Chapter 34 - Y/N's pov

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((Happy valentines day everyone!!))

 I awoke in my sleeping bag. It'd been about a week since I found out I was a grimwalker. Hunter and Luz hadn't told anyone, which I was thankful for, but I was still getting the visions. They would come with horrible timing. Like one time this week, in the middle of a restaurant. I had to pretend like nothing was happening. I was getting used to them, but they still left like a fresh wound, and a constant reminder of what I was.

I rubbed my eyes. Everyone else was already gone from the room. I checked the watch that Luz had lent me. It was....noon? I'd really slept late! I changed from my pajamas and into my regular clothes, dashing upstairs almost tripping. I passed Camila in the kitchen, and almost walked out the door before I realized I had no idea where the others were. I returned to where Camila was.

I started catching my breath "Where......are the.."

"At the portal house" Camila said with a light smile

I nodded my thanks and dashed out of the door. There was a path beside the yard of Luz's house that lead back to where we had come through the portal. I dashed down it, and met the others, they were attatching wires to spinning wheels, powered by palismen. Hunter was on the deck of the house, attaching some sort of cables to the doorknob. He smiled lightly and waved me over to him. I walked over to stand beside him.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked

"You've hardly been sleeping at all since....." his voice trailed off, but I knew he was talking about finding out that I was a grimwalker "You needed it."

I nodded slightly "I guess so but.......thats my problem....the others need me!"

"Which is exactly why you need to be in good health Y/N! What would we do without you? Titan, I probably wouldn't even be here!" Hunter protested

"It doesn't matter how I feel or what I need, I just need everyone else to be okay! Then everything's fine" I went on

Was this becoming an argument? I didn't want to fight with him, but I also needed him to know that he could always put himself before me.

"Y/N, I don't think you see what I'm saying here. We. Need. You." Hunter said, his face almost unreadable, a mixture of affection but something else was there, like frustration, and guilt, for being frustrated like he was.

"If you need me so much, then you could have woken me up!" I said, my hands shaking slightly

"You aren't GETTING IT. I-" Hunter was cut off by an explosion from the door. The door that we'd been leaning against.

In a moment that felt silent, except for my ringing ears, darkness clouded my vision, and I was flung on the ground, Hunter beside me. My eyelids started to flicker shut, I heard the faint voices of people calling out Hunter and I's names, but I had to make sure Hunter was okay. I blinked a few times and sat up. Hunter was breathing, but didn't appear conscious. The portal house to the right of us was in flames, Vee pelted it with some sort of smoke like thing coming from a piece of red metal. My ears were still ringing, and I felt lightheaded, but I had to make sure Hunter was alright.

"Y/N! Y/N are you okay?" Luz was kneeling beside me ((a/n - annie are you okay are you okay annie))

I nodded a bit, barely able to "H-Hunter.." I managed to say.

I could still feel myself shaking. Hunter and I's little argument seemed a lifetime away. Funny how he'd been talking about putting myself first, and yet here I was, fighting to stay conscious just for him.

My eyelids felt heavy, and dark spots were entering my vision. ((A/N - I'm actually speaking from experience as to what it feels like trying to not pass out :,D)) I reached out a hand and rolled Hunter over so he could be facing the sky. He still seemed to be breathing. I didn't know much healing magic, but I would have to try. I opened a spell circle above him, though I wouldn't really call it a circle, more of a deformed oval, because of the shaky hand which had cast it. I moved the circle around, letting it hover over each of his injuries for a moment. Once I was sure I'd healed him to the best of my ability, I closed the circle.

I could feel my quick heartbeat, and my eyes were still heavy. I watched Hunter anxiously, then notice him shift a bit, and sit up, rubbing his head. He seemed alright. I went to say something, but instead the growing darkness clouded my entire vision, and after fighting it as long as I could, I finally passed out.

~~ time skippity skip ~~

I blinked my eyes open. I saw the basement ceiling. I wasn't on my sleeping bag, but instead on the couch. Every inch of me ached. What was I doing here? The memories flooded back. The fight. The explosion. Healing Hunter. Passing out. I sat up, flinching. Hunter was leaning against the front of the couch, asleep, a book hanging out of his hand. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I glanced over, Luz stood there, then noticed that I was awake.

"Oh titan, you're finally awake!" she said, walked over "How do you feel?"

"Achy." I said, my voice was hoarse. "How long was I out?"

"About a day." Luz said.

"A day? Oh Hunter must have been so worried, I shouldn't have let myself pass out, I'm such a burden-" I put my head in my hands

Luz rested a hand on my shoulder "You're not a burden. What you did for Hunter was amazing." she glanced to Hunter, who was sleeping, with a little band-aid on his cheek and a bandage on his shoulder. "He refused to leave your side the whole time you were unconscious. He really loves you, you know. And you shouldn't worry so much about all of us. Take some time for you."

I looked at the floor. I didn't need to put myself first. The others needed me. I heard Hunter's breathing change, as he woke up. He didn't yet realize that Luz was there, and that I had woken up. He picked up the book in his hand, seeming panicked. I tapped his shoulder. He whipped around and stared at me for a moment before wrapping me in possibly the tightest hug he'd ever wrapped me in. From how he occasionally shuddered I could tell he was crying. I hugged him back, tears forming in my eyes, I didn't even really know what I was crying about, I just was. Everything that had happened, everything that was happening, now flowed out of my eyes, and into my arms which clutched onto Hunter.

"I'm.....I'm so sorry" I said, my voice shaking

Hunter let go and rested his hands on my shoulders, his face tear-stained.

"Y/N. There's nothing to apologize for. This isn't your fault." he said, speaking clearly, like he really wanted me to hear this "Someone really smart, and pretty, and sweet once told me some words I think it's your turn to hear. I'm not upset with you. The only thing that upsets me is you constantly blaming yourself for things, perhaps the titan itself, intended to happen. You've done nothing wrong."

I could feel more tears form in the edges of my eyes. I was the one who'd said that to him. Right after he'd started blaming himself for falling into the boiling sea. I smiled lightly.

"Y-You're so awesome, you know that?" I said to him

He smiled lightly "Happy to help. You can talk to me whenever you need."

"Yeah! You don't have to keep things to yourself! You can tell us how you feel, if you need to talk, we're there to listen." Luz put in

I stood up shakily beside the two, and wrapped the both of them in a hug.

"Thank you. Both of you." I murmured

No matter how hard things got, I had the others. It would be alright. 

((a/n - the next ch.....*evil author noises*

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