Chapter 29 - Y/N's pov

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It was a bit of a tight squeeze to have everyone in the basement. It was already pretty crowded with just Gus, Hunter, and I, but with Luz, Vee, Willow, and Amity crammed in too, the place was pretty packed. Hunter and I were sitting at the edge of the group, he leaned against some boxes, while I leaned against him. Luz had decided to introduce us to something called a 'movie'. I had no idea what she was talking about, and nobody else seemed to either. While Luz and Camila were fiddling around with a box with moving pictures in it, trying to turn on the 'movie' everyone was talking. Hunter was silent for a while, like he was thinking about something, then he looked to me.

"I know this isn't really....fitting for the moment" He spoke so that only I could hear "But you never.....told me where you got the scar on your eye."

I put a hand to the scar, I hadn't thought about it in a while, I hesitated for a moment, then finally said, "Before I started training you, I came to report the....first Theo incident to Belos. He asked me to fill in for your training, and I wanted to. But at the time, I didn't know why you needed the extra training, and thought it would be strange for you to be trained by someone whos the same age as you, when I persistently asked, the emperor kinda....lashed out. And uh. Yeah."

Concern shined in Hunter's eyes "You could've told me" he said

"At the time I didn't want you to loose faith in the emperor, it was the most important thing to me, I blamed myself, I spoke out of turn." I murmured

Before Hunter could go on about how it wasn't my fault, sounds started coming from the box with the moving pictures, and the 'movie' turned on.

~~~~~~~~~time skippity skip~~~~~~~~~

That was the most stigmatizing movie I've ever seen, even though it the only movie I've seen, but still. The movie Luz had put on was called 'Hocus Pocus' and was about some children trying to stop evil witches. It was horribly inaccurate, most witches don't even eat children anymore!

After the movie Hunter and I had left the house for a walk. We'd promised everyone that we knew where we were going, and that we wouldn't get lost, and that we wouldn't be long. Streetlights shined against the dark sky as Hunter and I walked hand in hand down the street, no particular destination in mind. With my free hand, I cast a spell circle, it was harder to cast spells here, but still possible. From the circle, mine and Hunter's harmonica fell.

Hunter's eyes widened. "I'd forgotten I brought those after...." he let his voice trail off. Nobody really talked about the day of unity. It was a...strange topic.

I handed his harmonica to him with a light smile and wandered off of the walkway and into a dim forest. Hunter followed close behind. The forest was beautiful, after a moment we stood in front of a creek. Almost like.........where I had first started training Hunter in bard magic. It brought back memories of training, and the ball. I sat down, taking everything in, Hunter sat beside me, and I leaned against him. I began to play my harmonica softly. The aura that usually cast over the land when bard magic was practiced on the aisles was noticeably absent, but the music was still nice, a few things floated into the air around us. I looked to Hunter.

"Why don't you try? We haven't exactly trained in...a while. But I'd like to hear it" I said

Hunter hesitated before playing a, slightly off-key song, but I still loved it. I set down my own harmonica and listened to him play, as I leaned against him. I remembered before the day of unity, before belos' mind, before the emperor's announcement at the ball. When Hunter and I had danced beside the water. Between the music, and positive memories I was lulled to sleep, happy where I was.

-pretty short time skip-

When I awoke I was moving, but not walking. I glanced up to see Hunter, who was carrying me. I turned my head again. We were on the sidewalk, close to Luz's house. I smiled lightly for a moment, before shutting my eyes, not quite asleep. Eventually I felt myself being carried onto the patio, then into the house. I could see the light of the home through my eyelids, but was too worn out to open them, and walk myself to the basement.

"Oh hey they're back- AWW" I heard Luz's voice, I presumed that she'd noticed Hunter carrying my sleepy self. Another chorus of 'AWW's followed Luz, and I felt Hunter carrying me down into the basement, setting me in my sleeping bag, and wrapping a blanket around me. Moments before slipping back into a sleep, I heard Gus come down the stairs.

"Hey Hunter, Hey Y/-" Gus said, before being cut off by Hunter shushing him

Gus lowered his voice, and I heard him flopping down onto the couch.

"It was sweet of you to bring her home" Gus said in a low voice

I heard Hunter get into his sleeping bag, before he began to speak, "Yeah well....I've got to be my best for her. After everything's that happened, it's the least I could do."

Aw. Hunter.

"You two went through the emperors coven too, the day of unity was just...the icing on the cake I suppose." Gus said

"Yeah." Hunter said "I still don't know for sure, but I think during the time when she was golden guard......she took a lot from Belos to protect me. I have to return the favor. She's just so great, and I can't let her down again."

"Again?" Gus asked

I listened to Hunter's hesitation, but he eventually said something "After both Y/N and I had gone through basic scout training, and a whole thing happened with my first trainer.....Y/N became my trainer. She didn't know that I was getting extra training to replace her as golden guard. When she found out I told her that I didn't know, even though I did. At that point I already liked her...a lot. I didn't want to hurt her. But things just got worse when she found out that I knew all along. I felt like such a horrible person."

Guilt surged through me. I'd been such a jerk to him when I found that out, even after he saved me from Theo. Hell, up until we found the....golden guard the emperors mind I was still such a jerk. I regretted it. A lot. I could make up for it now though. I moved closer to Hunter and wrapped an arm around him, holding him close.

I heard Gus talk again "Well she's clearly forgiven you, isn't that whats important?"

"Yeah but.......she's everything to me. If she's not happy I'm not happy" Hunter said

"Hunter, that was the cutest speech I've ever heard" I smiled looking at him

He was blushing profusely "How much did you hear-?" he asked

"Enough to know that your the sweetest boyfriend ever" I said

Gus had fallen asleep, and slowly I slipped into a light sleep. Things seemed to be going so well. But it was only a matter of time. I knew, even if the thought sat in the deepest depths of my mind, that things couldn't be perfect forever. 

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