Chapter 27 - Y/N's pov

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 We stood on the porch of Luz's house. Hunter had one hand holding mine, and the other on Gus's shoulder, and Luz knocked on the door. Willow and Amity stood with us. A woman who looked like Luz, but older opened the door and gasped.

"Hey, mom! I'm back." Luz said, she sounded so broken

They wrapped eachother in a hug for a moment, before the woman motioned for us to come in. We walked into a kitchen, human realm houses were a lot nicer than the one's in the demon realm, but what would I know, having been raised in the palace. A sink was running, Luz's mother put some dirty dishes into it, and Gus cast a spell circle and floated a sponge towards a dish and washed it, following a few more plates, the cycle continued. Amity handed the woman some tea. I stood with Hunter, who was talking to Luz. Luz was getting a band-aid.

"Thanks for not telling them that I'm..." Hunter didn't finish

"A grimwalker?" Luz murmured, she seemed so upset

"Don't- say it so loud" Hunter said, seeming nervous "Well.....what about you? How have you been since...."

"Since we were in Belos' mind?" Luz finished his sentence "Since I found out I helped him meet the collector? Oh my gosh Hunter, they're all gonna hate me."

Hunter tried to smile "What, pshh- no of course they won't hate you." he paused "They won't hate you any more than me when they find out that I might be a- clone- of someone who was a witch hunter....with Belos" I took his hand and squeezed it.

Caleb wasn't a bad person, as far as I knew. Then again, I'd believed that Belos was a good person.

We looked into the kitchen where the others were.

"We'll tell them.....when we're ready" Luz said, smiling lightly

Hunter nodded. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table, Luz took a seat next to Amity, and I took a seat next to Hunter.

"Okay so- in the demon realm you fought the evil emperor Belos who turned into a monster" Luz's mom was trying to figure out the....crap we'd been through

"Well, he started out human" Gus put in

"Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?" the woman didn't seem to be wrapping her head around this.

"The collector" Willow said, looking down at the table "We don't know what he is, or how Belos found him."

Luz perked up "Who knows if we'll ever figure that out!" she said, she was horrible at hiding things. "But they're creating a lot of chaos"

"We have to do whatever it takes to get back." Amity said

"And you will. But for now, you should all rest. You're safe here." Luz's mom sounded like she was making a promise, but if I've learned anything from my days, it was that nowhere, was completely safe.

~~~~~~~~~time skippity skip~~~~~~~~~

Luz's mother had showed Hunter, Gus and I that we could sleep down in the basement. She'd given us blankets and sleeping bags. Hunter rolled out a sleeping bag on the ground, I rolled out another beside him. Gus was going through a box of human stuff. He pulled out some sort of.....well I don't know what it was, but it extended somehow, into a dome like shape above him. He put the thingy down and ran over to look in more boxes.

"Hunter! Y/N! Look at all this awesome human stuff!" Gus said excitedly, he now had some sort of inflatable ring around his neck and was popping little plastic bubbles. He knocked something over accidentally, which crashed to the ground and broke, he looked at the broken pieces for a moment before continuing to pop the little plastic bubbles.

"I.... think it's just stuff here" Hunter said with a light smile

Luz's mom walked in with more blankets "Its not much, but I hope you three will be comfortable"

"We will, Luz's mom!" Gus said, smiling

I cleared my throat and bowed to Luz's mother "Thank you for providing us with shelter, ma'am."

"Please, never do that again, and you can call me Camila!" Camila smiled, beginning to walk up the stairs "Buenas noches"

She walked the rest of the way up the stairs, and Gus continued popping his little plastic bubbles, before gasping dramatically. It scared the crap out of me, I jumped and almost fell over before realizing that he'd only gasped because he'd ran out of bubbles to pop. He set down the now empty plastic sheet and took the plastic ring off of his neck, before flopping onto the couch, seemingly instantly asleep. I turned off the light and climbed into my sleeping bag, Hunter climbing into his. I laid there, listening to Gus' quiet snoring, and staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, not even if I wanted to. I had to be on alert, just in case anything had followed us through the portal. I wondered if Caleb could even reach my dreams here. I heard Hunter shifting in his sleeping bag. And a quiet scared whimpering from him. I sat up and shook him awake. His eyes flew open and he bolted into a sitting position, breathing fast and beads of sweat sitting on his face.

"Hey, it's alright. We're at Luz's house, remember?" I said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

He seemed to calm down a bit, but still seemed pretty on edge.

"Bad dream?" I finally said

He nodded "Belos was there. He'd found us here in the human realm and flapjack...... he.........."

I wrapped him in a tight hug "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, flapjack, P/N, or anyone else"

"And you won't let anything happen to you either, right?" Hunter asked, his voice shaking a bit

I hesitated, not expecting him to say that.

"Promise you won't let anything happen to you" Hunter said

"I-I............ I promise." I finally said. He nodded and laid back down, I moved my sleeping bag closer to his, and laid on my side, with an arm wrapped around him.

"Everythings gonna be okay" I murmured

((A/N - i'm so excited for the human realm chapters >:D))

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