Chapter 26 - Y/N's pov

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 I leaned against the side of the airship, King seemed to have woke from some sort of dream, and was curled up in Willow's lap. Gus sat on a storage crate and Amity was pacing back and forth. P/N was chirping frantically and the other palismen didn't seem to happy either, they were all shivering. Hunter was pulling different levers on the airship.

"I know how to fly a ship" Alador growled

I got to my feet "He's just trying to help!" I said

"And fly faster!" Amity put in "We're barely halfway there! Luz could be in trouble!"

"Maybe if I took the wheel--" Hunter looked around the ship as he spoke.

"I think thats a great idea, maybe we could go fast than two miles an hour!" I said

"You're just saying that because he's your precious little boyfriend!" Alador said, steering the ship.

"I swear to the titan I'll-" Alador cut me off

"So you're that eager to reurn to Belos, golden guard" he said

Hunter pointed a finger in his face "At least she never built him an army"

"Watch your tone with my young man" Alador said

The ship tilted to the side and I stumbled backwards. Gus was almost knocked down.

"Hey, heres a bright idea: Don't distract the pilot!" he said angrily

"He started it!" I said

Our arguing voices began to overlap, I was so mad at everyone, everything was so stressful. Why couldn't things just be normal like they used to be?

I turned to see that our palismen were showing us a crate of bread and fruit. I was actually pretty hungry.

I took a deep breath in "Look, we're all exhausted and terrified, lets focus our energy on helping Luz, instead of fighting eachother."

The others nodded and picked up some food, I sat down against the wall of the ship, leaning against Hunter, he had some bread and I had an apple. After few moments I finished my apple and fell asleep, leaning against Hunter, like the calm before the storm.

I woke up in the same place I'd met Belac, he stood here again, the dagger above his head.

"Hello" I said

"The day of unity......." Belac murmured "All you need to know is that things will be okay. They won't turn out the way you think they will, but eventually, things will be alright. And I think you're ready to learn my real name. I don't think it'll change much at this point now that you know about..."

Something registered in my mind. Belac looked like Hunter, or rather, Hunter looked like Belac.

As if reading my mind, Belac spoke "Hunter is a duplicate of me. My name is Caleb, I was Belos' brother. He killed me."

My eyes widened at the information, and my eyes flew open. I was back on the airship. Hunter was driving, and I was now leaning against a storage crate. Amity had mittens on her hands made from abomination goo. I wondered if that was why she was called mittens as a nickname. I looked down at my emperor's coven sigil, it was.....glowing?

"Your ship had been reported stolen! Land immediately!l" Another ship pulled up beside us.

Amity watched over the side of the ship through narrowed eyes "mom."

Gus opened a spell circle in front of him, and I got to my feet. He cast the spell and the ship, as well as us, seemed to have disappeared into a flock of crows.

REWRITING [] Hearts of gold [] Hunter TOH x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now