Chapter 18 - Y/N's pov

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 The child that had signalled us away from that monster, the all too familiar one, hid behind a tree root, watching us silently.

"Its you! Kid belos!" Luz said

I looked the child over, it had a mask that resembled the emperor's. Perhaps that is what the emperor looked like as a child, but even so, what was it doing here? There could only be one inner self.

Luz walked closer to the kid, and kneeled down to his level "Thank you for helping us before. You don't seem nearly as scary as your inner self."

A roar sounded through the forest mindscape where we were trapped, Luz glanced up while Hunter and the kid covered their ears. The kid ran up to Luz and hid behind her, holding onto her arm. Luz looked to us.

"If strong emotions can take form, maybe he's the emperor's....." Luz thought for a moment "I don't know, sense of guilt?"

"What?" I said, almost laughing "Belos has never done anything worthy of feeling guilt! Its obviously his, uh, sense of innocence"

"His pure intentions!" Hunter put in.

Luz looked at the kid for a moment "Well whichever it is, I think he can help us stay safe" Then looked back to the kid and smiled "And maybe you can show us who Belos really is." The kid nodded lightly

I raised an eyebrow "What was that?"

The roar sounded again

"No time! Lets go, go, go!" Luz said, the kid grabbed her wrist and started to run off.

Hunter and I followed, both of us not wanting to associate with someone who wanted the downfall of the emperor, but also not wanting to be devoured by some mindscape creature.

The kid jumped into one of the portraits. "Wait, you're just going to invade his memories? Thats sacrilege!" I said, as the thing screeched again

Luz grabbed one of my arms, and one of Hunter's "Its a way to survive!"

She dragged us into the portrait with her. We travelled through it, landing with a thump on the ground. We stood up and dashed after the kid, who was running through the town that we seemed to be in. I'd never seen it before, it felt strange. The child disappeared when it reached a small crowd surrounding some sort of stage.

Hunter, Luz, and I walked to the front of the crowd. I heard people speaking around me.

"He says he can talk to the titan" someone said

They were answered by someone saying, "The titan's dead, how's that possible?"

A man walked onto the stage, he looked like Belos himself, but younger, and his mask looked different, it seemed to be carved from some sort of bark, like the child.

"Fellow citizens!" he began, he sounded like Belos "We are born into chaos. Our lives anger the titan! My own family had been hurt by the darkness of wild magic."

He held a staff in his hand, which glowed in red before casting a brief smoke around him. He now held the staff, spinning it around in the colors of the nine covens.

"I've been shown the healing light" he continued "It shines in nine hues!"

Gasps rang through the crowd, as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing. I nudged Luz.

"See?" I said "He's always been helping people"

An explosion erupted in front of us before Luz could say anything.

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