Chapter 28 - Y/N's pov

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((A/n - posting early bc i fricking hate this chapter :,D)) 

I slowly awoke, the room was bustling about. Hunter was going through a box, Gus going through another. I rubbed my eyes and got out of my sleeping bag.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, now standing beside the two "It's the middle of the night."

"No its not" Gus said "It's a little after ten."

"TEN?" I said, usually I woke up so much earlier, mostly because I had work to do

"Relax Y/N" Hunter said "We're not in the coven anymore, we're not going to miss everything just because we slept in past six. Anyway, Gus got me to look through the human stuff with him, and some of it is actually really cool!"

I nodded, then heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Luz stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching us a moment before saying, "Hey guys, Willow Amity Vee and I are going to go check out the portal house, wanna come with?" she asked

"I'll come" Gus, Hunter, and I all spoke at the same time, I laughed

Luz smiled lightly "Alright, just come upstairs whenever your ready" she went back up the stairs and shut the basement door.

Hunter and Gus put the stuff they'd taken out back into boxes while I ran my fingers through my hair, making it look a bit better than the sleepy matted mess it was. After a few minutes we all went upstairs. Camila gave us each a piece of toast, and we went outside. I finished the toast quickly, I was pretty hungry. The ground was still wet and muddy from the rain the night before, and my shoes sank into it a bit. We walked down a pathway through the woods, and finally to the old house that had brought us here. Luz opened the door, a bit of hope shined in her eyes, but as I'd thought it would, it only opened to the dusty house. P/N sat on my shoulder, chirping a bit, Flapjack sat on Hunter's shoulder. We cautiously walked inside, the wallpaper was peeling to show the base of the house, there was some furniture, but it was torn and dusty. There were wood scraps in some places, the place looked like it had definitely seen better days.

Luz looked around "We should try and fix it up!" She decided

"Well..." I said, before pausing "I suppose, maybe...."

Amity kissed Luz's cheek "We'll try our best sweet potato"

I turned to Hunter "You know, I told someone that I'd go on a date with them sometime" I grinned

"Who?!" Hunter seemed worried

I laughed "YOU, dummy!"

"Oh yeah!" he laughed "Oh titan you had me worried."

Luz grinned "I know a good place, they've got milkshakes!"

"Milk......shakes?" I said, confused.

"They're a human thing, and they're really good!" Luz said "I'll show you two lovebirds where it is. Why don't the rest of you start clearing this place out?"

The others nodded, Luz left followed by Hunter and I.

~~~~~~~~~time skippity skip~~~~~~~~~

Hunter, Luz, and I stood at a small shop, in front of an order window. Luz was ordering for Hunter and I. She'd told us to sit at one of the tables, we'd chosen one with two seats opposite eachother. I saw Luz point to us, seemingly telling them who to give the order to, then handing the person some green paper. She waved to us and then left. So Hunter and I were alone now.

It was silent for a few minutes, before Hunter looked at me "Uh--- What are we supposed to do?"

I shrugged "I've never been on a date before" ((A/N : If you have been on a date, well sucks to be you, bc i felt like writing it like this))

Someone in a red and white striped apron walked up to our table, in one hand they held a clear glass with (describe your favorite ice cream/milkshake flavor here) and in their other hand they held a clear glass with something brown in it, they set the (the one that you like lol) and the brown one in front of Hunter. They gave us a brief nod before leaving. They'd given us each a straw and a spoon.

"So it?" I said

"I think so" Hunter said, he was the first to unwrap his straw and stick it into the.....'milkshake'. After taking a sip, his eyes lit up.

"Y/N" he said "This is the best thing I've ever tasted"

I unwrapped my straw and stuck it into my milkshake, then took a sip from it. My eyes widened.

"Oh. My. Titan." I murmured "I have never tasted anything like this's so great" (( a/n - also sucks to be you if you if you don't like milkshakes))

"Can I try yours?" Hunter asked

I grinned "Only if I get a sip of yours"

We traded milkshakes, Hunter's tasted amazing, and by his expression I could tell that he'd liked the flavor that I had. I was starting to like it here, maybe it wouldn't be all bad, I mean, we hadn't been interrupted by any evil schemes yet, which was a start.

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