Chapter 3 - Y/N's pov

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(A/N : This chapter contains slight blood/violence)

If I'm being completely honest, I never completely trusted Theo, but he had to seal the deal right there didn't he? What he did to Hunter was unfair. I sigh softly and stand in front of the door where the scouts in training would be waiting for me. A sudden wave of apprehension washed over me. What if they didn't like me? What if they weren't impressed? What if they knew? Hesitantly I opened the door to reveal about a hundred scouts around a head shorter than me, at least. The room erupted into cheers and squeals of excitement, I thought I even heard a 'marry me!'. I signaled with a hand for the trainees to quiet and within a moment the room was silent enough to hear a pin drop.

"Hello training scouts!" I began "I'm the Golden Guard, Emperor Belo's second-in-command, and I've come to talk to you about what you can expect in your time as a training scout."

I walked a bit closer, through the rows of scouts as I spoke.

"It won't be easy, and I'm sure there will be times when you want to give up and go home, but I promise that in the end, the pain will be worth it." I continued "In my time in training I got into a bit of...mischief. And if you repeat this I'll deny it, but a little mischief is good for you, keeps the coven heads on their toes."

I heard a few laughs ripple through the crowd.

"I also want you to remember that if you're ever struggling in any way, my door is always open, and I'll always be willing to listen to what you have to say." I finish "Now it's time for me to leave, but we will, Titan willing, all meet again one day!"

With a nod I left the room, as I left I heard them burst into conversation, though I wonder what they were saying, I had something more important to do. I walked down the corridor and stood in front of the door to the throne room and sighed.

'Titan it's creepy here' I thought, then knocked on the door.

Emperor Belos opened it himself, he was wearing his mask again now.

"What can I do for you Y/N?" he asked "Did things not go well with the trainees? I can...speak with them if you weren't pleased."

I shake my head "No, the trainees were great, they were very kind and I think they all have a good future. It's about Theo, and Hunter"

Belos nods "Come in then, we can discuss what you have to say."

He backs into the room and I follow, removing my mask

"Well while I was on my way to meet with the scouts" I began "I heard something, like a bang, coming from one of the training rooms. I went in to investigate and I found that Theo was hurting Hunter. His ear was torn and bleeding, and Theo had him positioned against the wall so he couldn't breathe."

Belos nodded "I told him to train Hunter hard, but he shouldn't be hurting him. I'll have Theo...dealt with." he said "Perhaps you could replace Theo as Hunter's trainer?"

I tilt my head "I'd love to, but how would that make sense. We're only months apart in age, we trained in the same generation, I don't have any more experience than him. Why does he need more training than the rest of us anyway?"

"It wasn't a question Y/N. You will train him now. You're dismissed" Belos' tone of voice had hardened

"But sire with all due respect that doesn't answer my-" I was cut off

Belos struck my right eye, his hand appeared to have changed shape in a sense, and it tore a cut. I stumbled back out of the room. The door slammed shut behind me and I dropped to my knees and touched a hand to my injured eye and pulled my hand back again, it was stained with a shining red. My breath came shakily, I was shocked that Belos would do something like that. Sure, I'd always been afraid of him, but everyone was, at least slightly. I stumbled to stand and walked to my room. I took off my cape and set my mask down.

'I spoke out of turn' I thought 'It was my fault'

I pick up a rag and wipe the blood from my eye. My heart still beat fast, and the wound stung. And something else felt...odd. I couldn't put a finger on it. Then it hit me.

"M-My vision!" so shocked I spoke aloud

From the eye that had been scratched, only darkness could be seen. I rushed to a mirror. The wound was deep, and with my eye that I could see from I looked at the other in the mirror. I'd been half blinded. Nobody could know. They might question the emperor. I had to keep it hidden, keep my mask on. My breathing was quickening with panic when I heard a knock at the door.

"Y/N?" It was Hunter

I grabbed my mask and put it on my face, and shoved the bloody rag beneath my bed.

"You can come in it's unlocked." I said, sitting down on my bed, trying to make it seem like I'd been doing something completely calm, completely normal before he'd arrived.

The doorknob turned and Hunter came in, in uniform without the mask or cape.

"How's your ear?" I ask

"Better!" he said with a smile "Belos told me you'll be taking over for my training?"

I nod "We can begin tomorrow."

"So..." he said "Do you wear that mask even when you're alone? Er- sorry that was a stupid question, you don't have to answer it."

I freeze up, remembering that when I had come to help him I'd taken off my mask, and that he might see it as odd if I kept it on after having done so. I sigh.

"Shut the door, nobody else can know, and you're not allowed to freak out, got it?" I say, my masked face looking up at him.

He nods and shuts the door and comes closer "What did you need to say then?"

With a shaky hand I take off my mask to reveal the fresh scar and blind eye. Hunter's eyes widen.

"W-What happened?" he asks "Its only been a few hours, and I know that's new."

"It's no big deal, I just don't really want people to see it, so I've been keeping the mask on around most people." I shrug

"Why show me then?" he asks

"I dunno, it just...felt right." I say, averting my gaze

"You also didn't answer the question, who or what did this to you?" he asked, he seemed nervous "Did something get into the castle?"

I shake my head "You should get some rest" I say, avoiding the question "Training starts early tomorrow."

He sighs, to seems to accept that he won't get an answer from me and leaves, shutting the door behind him. Once he's gone my stomach begins to feel....fluttery. It was...weird, but some part of me was excited to begin training.  

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