Chapter 5 - Y/N's pov

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 Theo, the scout both Hunter and I had been joking about moments ago, loomed over us. He seemed more...menacing than he had the previous day. I glanced to Hunter, his anxiety was plastered all over his face.

"Er hey Theo!" I said, thankful my mask was on, because I knew I must look embarrassingly terrified

"Hello trainees" His voice was deep, and haunting, like he'd attack at any second.

"What can for you?" I continued, feeling myself shaking with anxiety.

"Well I couldn't help but hear your conversation, while I was coming to look for you two" he said, every word smooth and calm, not at all portraying what he was feeling.

"Looking for us huh, whatever for?" I nudged Hunter back, ferther from Theo

Theo came forward until his face was an inch from my mask.

"Thanks to your little tattling to the Emperor I've been kicked from this coven, to find somewhere else to live" he said, his voice almost like a low growl "I want you to know that I will never stop hunting you, tracking you until I've sought my revenge"

With that he shoved me back, catching me off guard as I fell backwards and my mask crashed to the ground. Leaving my fresh scar and blind eye exposed.

Theo chuckled "And I see you already have a weakness" He then turned to Hunter "As for you, I think your knowledge is punishment enough."

Theo walked off without another word, laughing to himself. I sat up and grabbed my mask from the floor, putting it back on, though I was still sitting on the floor, in some sort of trance or shock. What did Theo mean, 'His knowledge is punishment enough?'

Hunter knelt down to my level, looking petrified, something deeper than just worry for my fall, but he didn't say anything other than "Are you alright?!?"

I nodded, checking my mask was secure "Except now I apparently have someone who has it out for me, watching my every move."

He sighed "Because you saved me." he murmured "I'm sure he wouldn't have k1lled me...but.."

I shrug "It doesn't matter, it was worth it, you could have been hurt more than you did, with more than a badass scar on your ear." I pause "But what did he mean...your knowledge?"

He couldn't meet my masked gaze "I uh...don't know"

I could tell he was lying, he was terrible at it, but then again I suppose he had a right to keep secrets, I didn't tell him where the scar on my eye came from.

"Strange" I say, standing up "But I suppose that Theo is...strange himself"

I pause and decide to change the subject, not wanting to make him uncomfortable

"Would you like to try teleporting multiple people?" I ask

He nods, the anxiety ebbing away from his expression, and I hand him the staff again.

"Its the same thing, but...concentrate more I suppose?" I instruct "And I also have to be in contact with you, or the staff."

He nods and I put a hand on the staff, unintentionally quite close to his. A butterfly flutters in my stomach.

"Sorry-" I say quickly, moving my hand

"No its fine" He smiles, the tips of his ears slightly blushy as I turn away

"Anyway" I say "Focus on the training room, and I mean focus, if you want to get both of us there."

He nodded and shut his eyes, I presumed he was thinking of the room, I tried to keep my mind astray, so I wouldn't end up doing it for him. Suddenly, I felt the familiar floating sensation, the hanging in the void, then standing in the training-

I suddenly paused to take in my surroundings. We were outside, in front of a small brook.. We stood on red grass, fluttering in the wind, with trees looming over us. I shot a glance to Hunter, who looked surprised, almost nervous to be here.

"Do you..." I paused "know where we are?"

The question seemed simple, but right now Hunter's expression was so...complicated.

It took him a moment to respond, but then he nodded "I come here sometimes, when I'm afraid or stressed, sometimes just to train."

I smile "It's really pretty here, was it on your mind?"

"Yeah, I suppose when I thought of training I just thought of here and..." I could tell by his face that he was lying again, but I still didn't want to pry. He would answer it himself, in his own way., at the right time.

"Well, since we're out here we could do things, without the staff?" I smiled lightly, making a small spell circle, that a harmonica fell out of.

Hunter looked down, he mumbled something, but I couldn't make out the words.

"What'd you say?" I ask, keeping my voice gentle, I could tell that something was up, and I didn't want to upset him.

"I don't...have any powers of my own." he murmured, looking sad, almost ashamed

I paused then sat on the flowing red grass, and patted a spot beside me, signalling for him to sit beside me, which he did. I pulled my mask onto the top of my head, and started playing a soft song on the harmonica, the world seemed to pause around us as small objects and flowers not attached to the ground floated in the air all around. The grass seemed to be whipping in the wind, which was stronger now but I couldn't feel it. Hunter looked entranced by his surroundings. Slowly I quieted the tune until I had stopped playing. The floating things returned to the ground, and the grass returned to it's stagnant state.

"That was...amazing" his voice sounded like he was still in a trance

"Before I began pursuing all tracks as Golden Guard" I began "I trained with Raine, learning Bard magic, I still remember some"

"Some?" he said "That was great, you're very powerful!"

I smile, the butterfly returned to my belly, seemingly having brought it's friends this time. My face felt hot, like I had a fever. I'd have to see someone from the healing coven.

"Anyway, I could try and teach you?" I say "I know of artificial magic in some instruments."

He nodded "I would love that, your magic is beautiful."

I looked forward to teaching him, and I could tell that he looked forward to learning. Something had changed since my first day when he paused in front of me, I didn't know how or why, or what, but...I think I like it. 

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