Chapter 30 - Y/N's pov

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 Hunter and I sat on a beanbag beside each other in the portal house. Everyone was drawing their loved ones from back home, I had a little notebook in hand and was drawing Hunter. He glanced over my shoulder.

"Oh wow" he said, looking at me "That's really good!"

I blushed "Thanks!"

I turned to see mostly everyones palisman sitting in a small pile, but Flapjack and P/N were pecking at the ground, making a small hole in the ground. I laughed softly, watching them. I stood up and pinned my drawing to the bulletin board next to everyone else's drawings. Luz had drawn a chart, trying to depict what she might need to make a new portal. She'd been worrying so much about getting us home. Suddenly, before I could provide and words of comfort, a creature burst through the wall, tearing the poster of the portal. It dashed across the house, and the palismen started chasing it. I chased after the palisman and grabbed P/N. The creature ran down the stairs and I shut the door that it had gone through. The palismen stopped short, and I caught my breath, letting P/N fly back to their friends.

The front door opened to reveal Camila standing there.

"How would you kids like to go to the mall?" she asked

".....'mall'?" I said, confused

"It''s a bunch of stores in one building" Luz explained

My eyes glittered "COOL!"

~~~~~~~~~time skippity skip~~~~~~~~~

We were in Camila's 'car'. I was in the very back seat with Hunter and Gus. Willow, Luz and Amity were in the middle row. Camila was driving and Vee was in the passenger seat. Hunter's hand was in mine, the feeling of the car thing moving without me moving was weird. It was different from flying, there were bumps in the ground and each time we went over one the entire car would shake.

((A/n - i kinda headcanon that y/n gets vauge carsickness? interpret it however you want ig))

After the longest hour of my life, we pulled into a place with a lot of other cars, and Camila turned the car off. First Amity, Luz, and Willow got out, then they folded the seats forward so that Hunter, Gus, and I could get out. I took a shaky step onto the cement, wobbled, and almost fell over, but Hunter caught me. I smiled at him and stood up, balancing better now.

"Oh titan that was....." I murmured "Interesting"

Hunter nodded in agreement. I took his hand and we walked into a large building. The door was shut, I tried to push it open with my free hand but it didn't budge.

I put up my free hand to make a spell circle but then remembered that there were other people here. Luz laughed a bit from behind Hunter and I, she walked up to the door and it....opened itself??

"What the-? Is it enchanted?" I asked

"No, it's automated" Luz said

Automated. Weird.

We walked inside. There were people and stores everywhere. There was music playing over speakers, and people bustling around. The first store Luz lead us to was surrounded by dark walls, and the lights inside were dim. The sign said 'Hot Topic'. What a strange name. ((A/n - i fricking live at hot topic fr))

We went inside, there was different stuff everywhere, and it was so cool! I went to look in a basket full of pins, I found one with a blue jay and one with a cardinal.

"What if I got the blue jay and you got the cardinal?" I said, looking to Hunter

"Oh, like Flapjack and P/N?" he said, smiling

I nodded. We went to the checkout, where a friendly-seeming woman was standing, scrolling through some sort of tiny light box. She glanced up and we handed her the pins to scan.

"$4.75" the woman said, after scanning the pins.

I dug through my pocket and pulled out 5 snails ((A/N - The currency in the boiling isles, not literal snails-)) and put them on the counter.

"Keep the change" I said, the woman raised the eyebrow

"Are these from a different country or something? We only accept united states currency, and card" she said

"Uhm-" I said, trying to think of something. So the money here was different.

Camila walked up behind us and handed the woman a green piece of paper with a man on it. The lady handed Camila a coin, and Camila dropped it into a little container marked 'tips'. Hunter and I took our pins.

"Thank you" I said, smiling at Camila "I didn't realize the money here was different. On the isles we have coins called snails."

Camila smiled back "No problem"

I put the blue jay pin onto my shirt, Hunter put his cardinal pin onto his shirt. Everyone else bought their selections, and we headed back out into the hall of stores. It was awfully loud. I took Hunter's hand again. I looked at him for a moment, his hair was starting to get longer. I thought it was pretty cute. It looked good on him.

We crossed to the other side of the hall of stores, and went into a store with a bunch of clothing. Everyone started going through the racks. I found a grey t-shirt, a black fake-leather jacket, and a black beanie. I grabbed some darker blue jeans with rips in them and went into a little changing room.

After changing into the outfit I'd chosen, I came out of the changing room to show everyone, and to see what they selected. Gus was wearing grey jeans, a blue shirt, some sunglasses, a navy blue beanie, and a dark jacket. Willow was wearing a green spiked helmet, a pink sleeveless shirt with a shooting star on it, some cyan shorts, elbow and knee pads, and roller skates. Amity had a purple sleeveless shirt with a skull on it, a fishnet top that went about down to her elbows, a pointed hat, and some torn black jeans. When I noticed what Hunter was wearing, I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He'd managed to find a cardinal onesie. Flapjack was flying around him. I smiled.

"You guys look great!" I said

Hunter smiled "As do you m'lady." he took my hand.

We turned to see Vee on one side of a clothing rack in her form as Luz, she went behind the rack, and emerged on the other side as a girl with blonde and blue hair, wearing a sweater with a pumpkin on it, some torn blue jeans, and a pair of boots. We all smiled, and Camila ran up to Vee, wrapping her in a hug.

Things were looking pretty good, maybe it wasn't going to get bad after all.

((A/N - *evil laughs in author* oh the next chapter >:DDD))

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