BT 11

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Nyla "Lala" Turner
January 1, 2019

Nyla was now in the principal office with her mother and father as they talked to the principal.

"You guys do understand that your daughter fought a pregnant student here, right?" the principal told them.

"I mean, her stomach is pregnant her face ain't" her mother said. "And it seems like my child was very careful about not hitting that girl's stomach" her father added.

"That still doesn't take away the fact she fought someone who is pregnant." The principal stated.

"I mean, she started with me. I told her to leave me alone, and I wasn't finna fight her she threw a punch at me, and I just threw em back" Nyla explained.

"I understand, but you also could have just walked away, so for your punishment, we think it's good enough for you to be suspended for about a week" the principal said.

Nyla rolled her eyes at what the teacher said, but she understood it was the consequence of her actions. "Okay" she said, getting up out of her seat. "We can leave now?" She asked.

"Yea we finna leave now" her father said as he got up. Nyla was the first person out of the school, already in her parent's car, waiting for what her next punishment was.

As her parents got in her car, her mother spoke.
"Yu already, now we don't like this behavior. Even though yu did yo shit we gotta give yu some kinda punishment"

"I say, just let her stay home for a week; she'll be alright" her father said while dapping Nyla.

Terrell, shut up we got to be more severe than that" her mother said. "Maybe she shouldn't talk to the nigga Shoota for the week" her father added.

"She just fought a pregnant girl over him she don't wanna talk to his ass" her mom stated, causing Nyla to laugh.

"I really don't he bet not call my phone he'll get the dial tone" Nyla said while getting on her phone, seeing she got a text from her sister saying she was already home.

Since Naomi didn't get caught, she called Nick, and he picked her up while Nyla she ain't have any chance of getting out the situation.


Sway "Shoota" Williams
January 1, 2019

"Wassup, moms" Sway said as he entered the kitchen, seeing his mom cooking. "Hey baby" she responded while putting the food on some plates.

"Yu off today?" He asked her as he picked up his plate. "Yes sir, I'm off for today, then tomorrow I'm back working a double" she told him.

He nodded his head, taking a bite of his food as Yaylyn came out her room. "Why you ain't tell me mom was cooking breakfast, bobble head" Yaylyn said while getting her plate.

"Yo Humpty Dumpty-looking self should have been down here" he said while putting some more food in his mouth.

"Keep playing, and ima send y'all asses to school" his mom said while taking a sip of her coffee. "My bad" he said while putting some food on his fork.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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