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Nyla "lala" Turner
November 14, 2018

"So who's finna give us a ride? Cuz I know you ain't thinking of letting them take us anywhere." Nyla looked back and forth between Annisty and Jordie. "I mean, my mom dropped me off, and you know Jordie takes the bus, so if you don't got a ride, then it looks like we driving with them." Annisty shrugged.

"You know, we barely know em right?" Jordie said, "Exactly, you don't know if they crazy." Nyla agreed. "Girl, you crazy I doubt they crazier than yo ass" Annisty stared at her, causing Jordie to let out a little chuckle.

Before she could respond, she seen the school doors open, revealing Kastro and Shoota walking out the school and walking up to them.

"Alright ladies, y'all ready to dip," Kastro said, looking at them. "Yea let's go," Jordie said, putting her phone in her purse.

"Aye yu driving right, cuz I don't gotta ride," Kastro asked him well more of telling him. "Man, yea follow me," Shoota said, smacking his teeth and walking to his car.

Once everyone got in his car, he drove off, heading over to Tanky's crib.

Nick "Ragz " Turner
November 14, 2018

After finishing his 8th blunt, he went into the kitchen to find sum to eat, and just like Tanky said ain't shit in there. "Yo ass need to buy so food nigga," Ragz said, finding sum grapes and starting snacking on em

"I'll buy some food tomorrow or next week getcho long green bean looking ass out of my fridge," Tanky said, not even thinking about going to the store to get food later on; he might just stick to fast food.

As soon as Ragz sat down, the front door busted open, causing all of em to get up and having Goon grab his gun.

"Aye, put them guns up, nigga; it's just us and a couple ladies," Kastro said, laughing, with everyone else following right behind him. "What's the word." Shoota said, walking behind Nyla.

"Shit just chillin, but yo ass almost had a bullet in yo head. Don't do no shit like that again." Goon said putting his gun away.

Ragz finally looked up from his bowl of grapes, spotting someone in the group of girls catching his eye. "Lala the hell you doing out of school?" Ragz said, getting confused because he just dropped her off not too long ago.

"Oh shit, Hey Ragz, how you doing?" Nyla said trying to get past the question. "Ain't none of that shit what you doing out of school after I just dropped you off?" Ragz said getting a little mad.

"See, uh, well, I just don't feel like going anymore. Ima stay the whole day tomorrow; how about that." Nyla told him truthfully.

"Man, y'all done with this shit we can head to the trap and handle business," Kastro said, getting tired of hearing em go back and forth.

"What we finna do with them?" Goon said, pointing at the two other girls that were talking to Zoo and Tanky. "I got it, Jordie, Annisty can y'all get us some snacks so we don't starve here" Nyla told them, looking at Tanky.

"Yea we can go, but I'm broke, so who we getting the money from?" Jordie said. "Here." Ragz handed them a stack. "That should be enough to get us all some to snack on," Ragz told them. "Aight, then see y'all later." Annisty and Jordie said leaving out the door.

After seeing them get in an Uber, it was time for them to go head to the trap. "Aight we out, let's go," Ragz told everyone.

Sway "Shoota" Williams

Shoota gets in the car, with Kastro, Goon, and Tanky closing the door. "How does Ragz know that girl in there?" asking anyone in particular. "That his sister Lala, she comes around time to time; you might not notice her." Goon said.

"That nigga had a sister?" Shoota and Kastro said in disbelief. "Duh nigga, y'all just stupid." Tanky stated

30 mins later...

Everyone pulls up at the trap ready to get this shit over and done with. Shoota walks in front of everyone else busting open the front door causing everyone in the trap to look at the door.

"Line y'all asses up y'all now the drill" Nyla tells them causing everyone to get in a line fast. "Now Which one of y'all stupid asses though it was bright idea to take from us." Zoo said loud and clear.

"A mill at that" Shoota chipped in seeing one person in the line holding his breath trying not to show his fear. Shoota walks closer to him getting right in his face "you alright lil nigga, looks like you shaking in ya boots." Shoota chuckled.

"Oh me I-I'm fine im just a little tired that's it." The man said hoping it will get him off his back. "It's him" Nyla and Kastro pointed at the man Shoota was in front of. "Damn Gio that's how you feel, what you rob from us foe?" Ragz asked getting closer to the man.

"I needed money man I'm tryna help my girl get a business I needed it." Gio pleaded hoping it would work. Ragz spoke again "could have just asked. Y'all know wat to do." Ragz spoke to everyone.

Sway, Nyla, Goon, and Kastro walked to all four sides of his head, raised their guns, and shot him, causing his body to go limp and fall to the floor with blood spilling everywhere. "Get the cleaners to clean this shit up," Nyla told the workers. Shoota couldn't lie and say he didn't like how she was handling business; this only made him want her more, and he was gonna have her.

After Shoota wiped the blood of his face and changed his shirt he went over to Ragz and Zoo "I'm finna head to the school and pick up my sis Ima catch y'all niggas later." He dapped both of them up. "You think you can take Lala with you she gotta pick our sister up?" Ragz asked.

"Yea I got you." Shoota walked away, going over to Lala. "Lala, right?" "Yea whatchu want?" Lala responds to him, noticing it was the same boy from her class early. "Ya brother told me ta tell you ima take ya back to the school so you can get your sister," Shoota told her. "Aight, let's go" she walked away from him, heading to the car that looked like his.

All Sway could think of was she was gonna be his, and that wasn't a lie. He got out of his thoughts walking out the door, getting in the driver seat, seeing she was already in the passenger seat and driving off.

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