BT 8

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Sway "Shoota" Williams
December 14, 2018

"Family of Ms. Turner" the doctor said. Everyone got up and walked to the doctor. "Is my daughter okay?" Nyla's mother asked. "Your daughter is fine; she made it out of surgery, and she is sleeping. Yu guys can go and see her two people at once" the doctor told them.

"Man, fuck that only 2 people shit come on" Nick said, walking into the room that Nyla was in. Sway walked in after everyone was inside, and he seen his girlfriend in a hospital bed, seeing tubes in her arms, but she still looked so beautiful to him.

25 mins later, a nurse came in "I'm guessing yu guys didn't know, but it's only supposed to be two people in here at a time." She commented with an attitude. "And as yu can see, we don't give a fuck, so shut yo ass up mane real shit" Sway stated. Right, and is that all yu wanted to say?" Naomi added on.

"No, it wasn't, but I was coming in to tell yu that two people can stay here with her overnight; I'll let yu guys choose" after saying that the nurse left.

Nick looked at his family. "So who's staying with her?" He asked everyone. "I can't see my daughter like that; I already saw her shot. I can't do it" her father stammered. "I'll stay with her" Naomi said not wanting to leave her sister's side.

"I'm gonna stay with your father" Nyla's mother said. Nick, hearing that he got up and hugged his family. "Aight, I'm finna head out with the guys.

Hearing that, Sway got up and started heading to the door before he got stopped by Nick. "The fuck yu doing, Ragz?" Sway looked at him. "Nigga, yu staying here with her fuck, is yu talking bout we got this" Nick assured him.

"Man aight" Sway went back and sat down in his seat. An hour later, everyone left and it was just Sway, Naomi, and Nyla.

"How long have yu been dating my sister?" Naomi asked him. "We started dating today" Sway answered. "Man, it's my fault; if she would have just stayed wit me, this shit wouldn't have happened"

"That's not true, Sway things happen for a reason, and she's okay" Naomi promised him. "I guess ur right" Sway muttered. Naomi had already gone to sleep, and it was just him awake. He pecked Nyla's lips before getting comfortable in the chair and falling asleep.

Next day..

Sway woke up wit his back hurting like hell. "Man, these chairs hurt like hell" he mumbled. He looked over by the couch, where he saw Naomi was still asleep, getting on his phone scrolling on Instagram to make time go by faster.

"Sway" Sway heard his name and looked over to where he heard the sound and saw Nyla waking up. "Baby" he said, getting out of his seat and going over to the hospital bed.

He saw her trying to sit up, but she was struggling. "Let me do it" Sway told her, moving her up a lil. "Like this?" he asked her, and she nodded her head. "Yu scared the fuck outta me" Sway told her. "I never thought anything like that would happen to me" Nyla mumbled.

"It's never gonna happen again" he promised her, getting up kissing her, causing her to kiss him back. It was starting to get heated before Naomi woke up.

"Ew, I got to see this when I first wake up" she yawned. "Hi sissy, ur awake" Naomi said, getting up to hug her sister.

2 hours later..

Blood TiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora