duty calls | JJ

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I had known Elle Greenaway for just under 7 months, she grew to be one of my closest friends from the BAU, we were practically like sisters, when one of us were not there, people would always ask where either of were, we were probably the closest people you would ever meet, that was until Jennifer Jareau walked into the building.

"Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like"

"Elle" she began,

"Greenaway, highest solved cases in Seattle, three years running, speciality in sex offender cases" JJ finished for her as Elle gritted her teeth and I could tell she was angry that she was already profiled by the new girl.
"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met" JJ questioned as she turned to me,

"Oh, well I'm-" I gave her a smile and I started to laugh,

"She's busy right now, she'll talk to you later okay?" Elle grabbed my hand and dragged out into the hallway, I turned back to see JJ sad but shocked, Derek and Emily looked at her to say something but she shrugged it off putting it down to Elle being overprotective of me.

"Well" she turned to Emily and Derek "I'm the unit Liaison, my speciality is untangling Bureaucratic knots" at this point, she started walking up the stairs to go to her office "You'll probably be talking to me a lot, my door is always open, mostly because I'm never in my office so just call me on my cell."

"I like her" Derek leaned down on the table he was sitting on to talk to Emily, Emily just nodded trying to profile her whilst not being able to figure out why she can't. "She's known everyone for a minute and already managed to piss off Greenaway, that's got to be a record" Emily turned to look at him and furrowed her brow, partly because she knew he was right and partly because she realised you hadn't been back in over ten minutes.

"What the hell was that" y/n shouted,

"I don't know what you're talking about",

"Oh come on Elle, I may not be the best profiler in the world, but I sure as hell know that that wasn't like you, you love it when new people join here" my arm flung back instinctively "Emily, Kate, Alex?" you stared at her waiting for her to say something,

"They are different, you didn't try to flirt with them the minute they walked through the BAU doors?.

"Flirted?" I breathed out, those damn profilers.

"The way you laughed, the way you smiled at her, the way you played with your necklace, not being able to look at her in the eye but simultaneously not being able to look away to see if she's looking back at you"

Those. Damn. Profilers.

I retaliated, "I do all those things when I'm nervous Elle, you know I do, she's just intimidating she walked in here like she owns the place."

"Intimidating?" She laughed out loud "Like that's stopped you before."

You suddenly remembered how you confessed you had a crush on Emily drunk on your couch on girls night solely because of how caring yet stubborn she was. Elle turned to walk away.

"Elle wait" If someone else were here they probably would've thought I was pathetic.

"Just drop it okay Y/L/N" You're a damn profiler figure out why I'm mad."

You just stood there as Elle walked away, you tried to read her as she walked away,

"She'll be fine, just give her some time" Emily said walking up to you, trying to believe her own lie.

"This isn't like her" You said to her as you kept your eyes focused on your best friend walking away like her friendship meant nothing to you.

"Come on" She tried to pull me out of my trance.

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