ghost face | JELLE X READER

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"We're going out for drinks if you wanted to come" Emily questioned

"Yeah sure, that sounds great, thanks" you smiled softly, your mind still going though the events of what happened earlier in the week.

"Come on Y/N, I know Elle was your
friend but you're still gonna see her, even though she doesn't work here anymore" Emily patted your shoulder which resulted in a hug.

"Thanks Em" you sighed "she always used to brighten everyone's day, if you had a bad day you could always count on her to cheer you up here" you pointed across the bullpen.

"Just come tonight and try to take your mind off things, even if it's just for an hour" Emily's lip curved into a slight smile.

You nodded, finally giving in "Okay fine, just let me go home and get changed" you
smiled as Emily grinned.

All the way back you debated on going, you had every intention on cancelling on Emily but maybe she was right, going out to take your mind of things couldn't hurt.

What Emily didn't know was that ever since she joined the BAU you had the biggest crush on her, the minute she walked in, you were completely infatuated by her, the way she handled things with authority and the same amount of generosity was something that over time you knew you would look up to, you kept telling her that she would make a great leader of the BAU someday but she felt as if she wasn't quite there yet and you wanted nothing more than to be there every step of the way when she would eventually become one.

You got to your apartment and you felt as though something was off, you couldn't put a finger on it but you brushed it off, you opened the door and turned around to shut it very quickly, so quickly in fact that you didn't even notice the people behind you.

"About time" a woman scoffed

"I told you she'd be here soon" the other huffed at the woman's impatience

"Can I he-"

"Who said you could talk" the woman said as you felt something press on your head.

"Sorry, I'm sorry-" you quickly become aware of the situation you were in, tears streaming down your face, sobs uncontrollable as you felt the gun touch your temple.

"She never listens does she" the other woman laughed to her friend

"So.." she dragged out "sit down" she finally spoke.

"What?" you replied softly, apparently not fast enough for the women, one shoved you back until you hit a chair in the middle of the room.

"Stay there" she barked.

"I have somewhere to be tonight" you spoke up.

You whimpered as you felt a tug on your hands as they become tied to the chair behind you.

"Tell em you can't make it" the same person whispered in your ear.

"I can't do that with my hands tied" you chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

"Is this funny to you?" your eyes followed the tall woman as she leaned down to talk to you at eye level.

"No, I'm just-Elle?" you breathed out as she pulled off her ghostface mask

"What's the matter honey?" Elle Greenway cooed.

"Nothing I-" you stammered

"You are right, she is easily intimidated by you" the other person laughed as she stood behind Elle, you just had to sit there with a blush on your cheek.

"Jay?" you questioned as Jennifer Jareau stood behind her, pulling her mask off too

"Hmm?" JJ questioned "Why are you talking?"

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