agent's sister | EG

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You didn't sleep, there was a whole party next door blasting their music loud enough to wake you and your sister's baby, you wrongfully agreed to babysit on a school night.

"Shhh" you cooed at the baby every now and then, rocking her in your arms trying to drown out the music for you and her, you glanced at the clock which mocked you at 3:48am, you rolled your eyes and rocked her some more.

On the verge of tears at 5:12am, knowing you had to be up in 48 minutes you just drank your weight in coffee and red bull and hoped your teacher didn't hold you back in class due to the fact that you will either be late or unresponsive when she asked you questions.

Your sister finally came to pick up her baby 10 minutes before class started, you sighed knowing you would be late to your class but you went on with your day.

You slipped into the lecture hall, sitting right at the back, slipping past two FBI agents, one tall blonde woman, and the other one, slightly shorter male, with the hope of no one catching you but it was too late.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Greenaway" your teacher started.

"I'm-" you coughed "I'm...sorry I-" you spluttered.

"Save your excuses, just be on time next time please" her name still unknown to you, you hadn't seen her before, your guess was a guest seminar, and according to all the FBI agents around you; a very important one too.

"I'm Agent Emily Prentiss, and I'm the Unit Chief of the FBI and I would prefer it if my students came to class on time" she glared your way.

With a couple of snickers and one big chuckle you deeply sighed "It won't happen again Agent Prentiss" you smiled.

She nodded slowly and licked the bottom of her lip and bit it slightly.

"Can anyone tell me the three theorists who established behaviourism?" Emily called out.

No one answered, presumably too scared of getting the answer wrong.

"Greenaway? What's the answer?" everyone turned to face you

"Um- Pavlov, Watson, and uh...Skinner" you nodded trying to get everyone's attention away from you and back onto Emily's.

"That is correct" Emily nodded and you let out a deep breath that you didn't even realise you were holding.

The class finally ended and you wanted to quickly get out of there as soon as possible, you wanted to catch up on sleep so bad but life had other plans for you.

"You're all free to leave" Emily called out "Y/N come here"

You heard a couple of "ooh you're in trouble" and some "good luck" comments as you walked down the lecture stairs.

"Please sit" Emily pointed to the seat in front her.

You complicity nodded and you took your bag off your shoulder and clasped your hands over the desk and leaned over.

"It sounds like a terrible excuse Agent Prentiss but there was a party next door blasting their music and Harper and I didn't get any sleep Emily I-"

Emily looked behind you, you subconsciously turned around to see the tall blonde nodding too, indicating that she heard the party too, this was convincing enough for Emily.

"Did you actually go to sleep last night?" Emily furrowed her brow.

You licked your lips and gently smacked them "No, Um no I didn't" you gently smiled, your eyes starting to burn, Emily being a profiler noticed straight away.

"Alright, you can go" Emily huffed.

"Thank you" you smiled, grabbing your bag, you turned around quickly, tears threatening to leave, you brushing them away quite harshly with the palm of your hand.

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