stress relief | JJ

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"Hey Baby" you smiled half asleep as you felt JJ walk into the room

"Hey babe" JJ leaned down to kiss you "go back to sleep honey" JJ smiled sitting on top of the bed next to you pulling your college t-shirt over her head which you let her borrow a couple of months ago, in return she let you borrow her FBI jumper to sleep on cases where she you know she would be late coming home ironically wearing you wore it tonight paired with shorts.

"I'm up now" you smiled curling up to her, putting your head in her lap as she stroked your hair.

"We can talk in the morning baby" JJ smiled leaning down to kiss your forehead which made you giggle a little bit.

"Jennifer" you smiled "You need to talk about the case" you said hopefully to get her out of the difficult headspace JJ puts herself in.

She shook her head and smiled a little as she looked away.

You sighed knowing exactly what happened on this case. It was kids.

"JJ" you smiled "Stay here" you kissed her head as you got out the bed to go to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" JJ whined.

"Gonna make you some tea" you sang as JJ laughed for the first time that night.

10 minutes later you came back with one green tea.

"Only one?" JJ questioned.

"Yeah" you sighed "I love you" you smiled kissing your forehead as you handed her the tea.

"I love you too honey, all the world" JJ stroked your hair with one hand and cupped her mug with the other as you crawled into bed, somehow ending up in what looked like to be a very awkward and uncomfortable situation but you found it very comfortable, your head tucked into JJ's lap as your legs were always parallel to where your head was supposed to be.

"hmm" you sighed contently.

JJ laughed as she kissed your head again knowing you were sleeping "Goodnight pretty lady" she put the now finished tea next to her on the bedside table and slid down to go to sleep.

"ugghhh no" you said in your sleep "jayyyyy" you whined "you were so comfortable"

JJ bit her lip to try and hold back a laugh that was now forming on her lips.

"Make yourself more comfortable baby" JJ said resting her chin against your head.

"Hmmmm I think I will" you smiled getting into the most uncomfortable and awkward position you could think of which was surprisingly very comfortable to you.

"Is this better for you honey" JJ laughed.

"Much" you smiled.

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