I feel pretty/unpretty | JJ

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"Come back here now" JJ barked.

"Let it go Jennifer" you said walking away.

"No come back" she said walking after you.

"Why so you can berate me and tell me who I am again?" you turned around shouting at her and stood there indignantly.

"You know your problem Y/N?" JJ gritted her teeth.

"Oh I'm sure you'll tell me" you shouted.

"The problem with you is that you are too damn stubborn to ask anyone for help, you'll suffer in silence until someone is begging you to talk to them" JJ shouted.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes "That's not true Jennifer"

JJ walked up to you "oh we both know it is"

"JJ now isn't the time for you to be right about everything" you rolled your eyes again.

"You are so damn selfish that you can't even see anyone else around you, everything is always about YOU" JJ shouted louder.

"What? Come on as opposed to 'look at me everyone wants to be like me'" you mocked.

"Jennifer look at yourself, you're tall, blonde, and pretty, everyone what's to be you, agents are always flirting with you and they never flirt with me, I don't know how someone as pretty as you ended up with someone like me" you cracked a fake smile.

"Is this what this about?" JJ asked calmly.

"Is this about what?" you retailed.

"You don't feel pretty? Y/N why didn't you talk to me about this sooner?" JJ held you.

You stared at her angry at the fact that your secret has come out "I didn't want to burden you" you told her weakily.

"You could never burden me honey but you have got to talk to people about your problems, you shouldn't keep them inside that pretty little mind of yours" she said as she tapped gently on your temple.

"I'm sorry I took it out on you" you said looking up to her almost in tears.

"Hey hey hey no no look at me" she made you look up at her by grabbing gently on your chin "You are the prettiest and most beautiful and most precious and most caring and most sweet and most beautiful beautiful girl in the entire world" she smiled "I don't care what other people think about me, your happiness comes first you got it? and besides most of those men who flirt with me are really ugly" she grinned.

"That does make me feel better" you said as you kissed her "I love you"

"I love you too always" she smiled.-

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