blind dates* | EP

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TW // 18+ don't read if you're a minor NSFW suggested

You were somewhat thankful to Savannah, your bestfriend for setting you up on a date, honestly you needed it, you spent countless hours scrolling through dating apps and enough was enough.

"Are you sure about this?" you asked her looking into the mirror at your outfit.

She put her hands on your shoulders as reassurance as she looked at you in the mirror too "I have never been more sure about anything you're so beautiful, she'll love you and if she doesn't, she'll be a fool not too" she smiled kissing your cheek and then sitting on your bed.

"Sav I'm not sure, is it too much?" you say pulling the black sleek, thigh high dress in all different directions.

"Trust me" she smiled as she walked up to you "when I first when I went on a date with Derek I wore a similar dress and now look at us now 2 and a half years later" she smiled as she fluffed your hair and fixed your lipstick.

"Still can't believe you're dating Derek Morgan, isn't he like the best FBI profiler out there" you chuckled.

"No Emily Prentiss is" she said sternly "but don't tell him I said that" she whispered.

"I won't" you laughed.

"Is she picking you up?" Savannah asked confused.

"I think I'm meeting her there" you smiled "some fancy restaurant" you shrugged.

"Well you look hottt" Savannah cooed.

"Thanks Sav, don't hold up for me" you winked.

"Stay safe I love you" Savannah worried.

"Savannah Hayes I can take care of myself, but I will be safe and I love you too" you assured her.

You drove to the address that Savannah told you, you were to told to meet an "Emily at 7:30" so ominous but you trusted your bestfriend.

You made your way in and it was huge, the lights above you were dimly lit but you could see everything through candles, it was beautiful

"Table for 2" you smiled, the waitress shot you a confused look as to ask where the other person is "she's not here yet" you replied timidly.

"This way" the waitress instructed, she managed to get a table with two barstool seats around the corner from the entrance and next to the window.

"Hey are you Y/N?" You heard a stranger say from behind you.

"Hi Yes I am" you turned around to see a beautiful woman, she was wearing a white button up tshirt with black slacks and a matching colour blazer with black louboutin heels "Emily?" you questioned

"That's me" she shrugged, there was something so attractive about the way she was presenting herself, she was strong and confident yet not the slightly bit overbearing, you could tell she was rich by her shoes but she didn't say one word about the money until the check came which she payed for insisting that 'you get it next time' which you both knew was going to happen.

"So tell me about yourself Emily, what do you like to do?" you asked innocently.

Emily was shocked at the question, usually everyone always asked what she did for work but you asked what are her hobbies.

"Um I like to draw I guess" she stuttered.

"What? No one's asked you for hobbies before?" you smirked.

Emily smirked back "No" she bit her lip and lowered her head.

You turned your head to the side in confusion, but you let it go.

"So uh how did you find about me?" you asked.

"My friend Derek set me up" your eyes widened.

"Derek Morgan?" you whispered, confused she nodded slowly "Savannah Hayes set me up" you laughed.

"Those pair are so conniving"
she smirked.

"Wait you're Emily?" it clicked for you "Holy shit" you dragged her to the bathroom not wanting to cause a scene, you looked around still holding her hand to make sure anyone was in there "You're the Emily Prentiss?" The best profiler in the world, worked for Interpol, CIA, FBI, Emily Prentiss?" she laughed and shook her head and nodded

"And you are holding my hand" you looked down embarrassed at the fact that you were still holding Emily's hand.

"Oh my bad" you quickly took your hand out of hers, but she put it back in.

"You're so beautiful you know" she tucked a piece of hair behind your ears with her free hand and let her fingers linger there for a while.

You looked up shyly "you think so?" you smirked.

"I know so" Emily's eyes looked at your lips, you nodded silent consenting about the fact that you wanted her to kiss you.

"I want to kiss you so bad" Emily whispered.

"Please kiss me" you whispered back as you rested your forehead on hers.

The kiss was passionate, it lasted a while it was perfect, after you both came up for air you knew that you always wanted to kiss her all the time.

"Let's go back and drink" you smiled still giddy from the kiss.

Emily placed a gentle hand over your back as she guided you back to the table.

"So Emily Prentiss huh" you smirked as you bit your lip ask you sat back at the table "what are you doing on a date with someone like me" you did wonder.

"Well I haven't made a beeline for the door yet so you're not all bad" Emily smirked.

"Smart and funny" you crossed your arms and leaned back in your chair, you shook your head.

"Tell me about yourself" it was an innocent enough question but Emily's shoes were making their way up your leg painfully slowly, you were unable to concentrate on anything, you didn't answer you just leaned your head back slightly, Emily stopped and pushed her shoe into your leg slightly to avert your distracted mind.

"Huh" you scrunched your face in confusion

"I asked you a question and I think I deserve an answer, don't you?" Emily smirked slowly dragging her shoe back down.

You panicked, you didn't know what she asked "you did" you tried to make it a statement but it just came out as more of a question.

Emily made her way around the table to stand behind you "I did" she leaned down to whisper in your ear as her hands were on your shoulders, you were fully intoxicated by her perfume, you were almost drunk on the way she smelt.

"Mhmm" you subconsciously leaned back into her touch.

"Do you want to get out of here?" she whispered as her hands were still on your shoulders.

"More than anything" you smirked.

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