hate to love you part 2* | EP

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TW // NSFW suggested, don't read if you're under 18 ! please ! These are JUST make out scenes and NOTHING MORE

"You're doing such a good job for me baby" Emily cooed.

You smirked beneath her trying to slide down the couch "Remember what we talked about?" Emily mocked.

"Don't-" you started.

"Speak up for me beautiful" Emily cooed "Don't what?"

"Don't- Emily- don't- stop" you sighed as you tilted your head back as she started kissing your neck.

"Oh believe me, I don't plan on it" Emily smirked.

"Your phone lovely girl" Emily noticed as your phone as your phone was ringing.

"Who-" you started.

"It's JJ" she answered as your breaths were heavy from sloppily now making out.

"I'll answer it in answer it in a second" you sighed.

Emily pulled herself up so she was off you but still on top of you "Answer it" she teased "Answer it right now" she said as she started to kiss your neck.

"Hey Jayje" you sighed heavily "is everything okay"

"Yeah" JJ laughed "you okay? you sound like you've just been for a run"JJ laughed a little harder making you chuckle a little.

"Oh" you said as Emily sucked hard on your neck.

"Y/N?" JJ shouted as all the words that she was hearing from you were unintelligible.

"I'm okay I promise" you sighed "keep going- TALKING- keep talking" you laughed.

"I just wanted to let you know there was a case and you need to be here in 15" JJ sighed.

"Okay thanks Jay bye" you hung up the phone quickly.

"What did she say pretty girl?" Emily sighed still sloppily making out with you.

"We've got only 15 minutes left" you fake pouted.

"I can work with that" Emily smirked.

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