Start from the beginning

"Oh, is it alright to just be going out with me instead? It seems like they really need you."

"Yeah and whenever I do, they never listen and just muck about until it's the last day." He said. "I already told them I was busy too but they think I'm lying."

"Why would they think that?"

"I was sort of vague about what I would be doing."

"Why?" Because you really are just a replacement. You're not relevant enough to share with his friends, hissed that voice of insecurity in me.

"Because if I let them know I'm going out with a girl, they'll hunt me down." I was expecting a punch line of a joke but he remained serious. "It's true. Outside of rugby, they brag about hook ups and make competitions out of it."


"Yeah, but that's not what this is with you. So I'd rather keep it at a low profile with just my closest friends knowing. Those guys will probably start hitting on you if they heard. They aren't as bad as Hess but still."

I involuntary flinched at hearing his name before a shiver went down my spine.

"By the way, he hasn't been bothering you or anything has he?"

Bothering. I played with the word in my mind. Did having the tool constantly invade my personal space, give me unwanted stares, almost traumatise me into thinking I lost my virginity for the fun of it constitute as bothering?

No, it probably was more fitting for a lawsuit and definitely not something to share with Shaun unless I wanted him to freak out. Although, I was tempted to confess Hess had asked me out purely so I could hopefully get a jealous reaction to sustain my own over Rosita who I didn't even know a thing about.

"No, he hasn't." I answered.

Shaun smiled with relief. "Okay, good. If he does, just tell me."

I rose a brow. "Are you gonna beat him up?" As much as I'd delight in the knight in shining armour gesture, I didn't like fights.

"Nah, I'm against violence. As ironic as it sounds since I shove people into mud and dirt on a daily basis but it's true." He affirmed.

"Okay." I nodded. "Then what would you do?"

"If it comes down to it, I'll talk it out with him." By the grimace that surfaced, it was clear he detested just the thought of it. "Hess has different reasons for doing what he does than normal people so it can be annoying but sometimes make it a lot easier. In my experience, at least." He'd muttered the last part but I just managed to catch it.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. My curiosity on this grudge thing was really amplifying. I badly wanted to know how a sweet guy like Shaun got wrapped up with that snake but I had to choose my timing wisely. Even if he liked me, he wouldn't just open up so easily.

For now I focused on the image of gliding on ice soon hand in hand which had me grinning. The grin remained as we reached the rink and traded stories on our first experiences, when we heard the phone ring again. Only this time, it wasn't Shaun's.

I expected— no, I was certain it had to be Garren. He was the only one who should've been aware I reactivated the Ace phone. However, an unknown number flashed on the screen.

"Oh good. Your line does go through. Shame I can't say the same for that thick skull."

The grin was wiped off my face at the unmistakable voice of the last person I wanted to hear. Especially now of all times.

"My office. Now." His tone particularly stern and truthfully, it startled me.

"But I'm in the middle of— "

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