"you asking for it." tasia laughed shaking her head. i'm not asking for anything i just don't find it necessary. "but i'm about to go record i'll talk to you later mir."

"alright. love you tai."

"love you too." she hung up and i sighed swiping through my phone. i was going through and calling my siblings to check on them. that was tasia now it's taylen. it's a hassle getting that boy to answer the phone.

you would think because he still stay with momma that he'll be a lazy ass boy always on the phone. but really he's far from lazy. dude always doing something and barely can answer. but all it takes is a message cursing his ass out.

which i was typing up.

answer this fucking phone boy. don't make me slap the shit out you when i see you:

he laughed at the message before a call came through. i mugged him as he laughed so extra. ain't shit funny. at all. he aggy. hate that we even resemble one another.

"you swear you run somebody little girl."

"whatever. i see you called me back. what you doing?"

"finna go somewhere. what you doing? why you ain't got no clothes on?" he mugged after realizing i was in a small top. i'm small so... not in height though. i got some inches.

"cause i'm going somewhere too."

"where the fuck you going in that amira? girl don't make me..." he raised his eyebrows. i rolled my eyes some shaking my head. "y'all be thinking cause y'all getting older that y'all grown. you and kiara gon make me kill somebody."

"boy shut up, like for real. you dry." i rolled my eyes. he swear he be running somebody. like dude you are not my father. i'm grown so what i do doesn't even matter that much. "i called to check in with you not hear yo mouth."

"whatever. don't make me come to that college."

"shut up tay. where you finna go?"

"where you finna go?" he squinted at me. i smacked my lips, over what he was talking about. this nigga here get on my nerves.

i'm not about to keep on with him. i hung up and thought to call kaila next. she's been getting on my nerves with this whole mama thing. think cause she apologized and stuff that we need to do the same. for the fuck what?

that woman put her hands on my momma for whatever reason. i don't care. i was young when it happened which is why i don't really remember. maybe like 12-13. still so long ago.

not gonna lie i've thought about just dropping the shit. but if i'm being real, she doesn't even show an effort in making us cool with her again. the most she does is speak to us and that's it. as our mama i feel like she should've been tried sitting us down, making us listen. but she just moved out and accepted her fate.

that's weird to me. but everyone operates differently so, whatever. i do miss her. i'm moving up in life though and i'm not gonna keep worrying about it.

if she really wanted our attention she would've gotten it. simple. there's only so far that we'll go. if she were to be stern and make it known that we're gonna sit down and have a conversation with her, it'll happen. at the end of the day she's our mama and we owe her respect.

i'm looking to start my career after college and if things aren't together by then, i'm not ever gonna care. i refuse to let my dreams be cut off due to other issues. tasia let herself be held back but i won't. once i'm gone, i'm gone.

and that's that.

i sat on the bed starting to call my momma instead of kaila. she always take forever to answer, especially when she's working. but one thing she'll do is stop everything to answer or call us back. so i wasn't worried when it went to voicemail.

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