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chapter four ; newspaper

mira pov

He's forgotten me.

What is happening?

"Have we met before?" he asks, raising his thick eyebrow. 

Yes. Is what I want to answer. 

"No," is all I say. My heart has lost its capacity to break anymore. 

"Oh. Alright," we continue walking. I ask him, "You don't even know me then why, Sunghoon?" I try my best but the sadness in my voice can't be hidden.

He looks at me with widened eyes. "You know my name! That's so unfair because I wanted to know yours first," he even pouts. A drop of tear falls down my cheek. He doesn't notice while I quickly wipe it.

"Well, I won then," I smile. 

We sit on a bench near the beach. Maybe I'm dreaming about him. So before I wake up, I want to stay with him.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks.

"That's so random, Sunghoon," I turn my head towards him. The same black orbs are all I see.

"Well, otherwise it would be awkward."

"Blue," it is.

"How old are you?"


"How do you know my name?"

"Just guessed."

"Why am I the only one questioning?"

"Your rule?"

We both make a short eye contact before we look somewhere else. I chuckle at him. He tells me to wait for him there while he leaves to get some food. My eyes land on a newspaper that is being read by an old lady. I notice that it's a very old newspaper. Not old in looks though old as in year. It says 1944. Why would somebody read such an old newspaper? Or did I just see it wrong? She notices my long glances. "Uhm, hello..? Can I ask why you're reading such an old newspaper?"

"Old? But I just bought it a minute ago," the elderly woman says, confused just like me.

"What? But it says 1944. It's 2024 as you know.."

She chuckles at me. "These days it's hard to understand the young generation."

I avoid talking to her when I notice Sunghoon coming back.

"Do you like donuts?" his hands are busy with packets full of food.



"What year is it?"

"Wait, you don't remember anything? Did the incident affect you?" he seemed worried. Even when he doesn't know me.

"Just answer me."

"it's 1944."


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