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"Cmon Y/N! We're going to be late for our first day at this shitty job!" Ymir said fixing her uniform.

"Ymir! That's 50 cents in the jar." Krista exclaimed quickly turning back to fix her makeup.

"Fine." Ymir said only to quickly shout. "Oi! Sasha stop eating all of the food!"

"Lets go now. I'm all ready." Y/N said grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes.

The four girls have been friends since they were young so it was no surprise when they all moved in together at an apartment and got the same job.

Whilst walking to your new workplace Krista talked about how we should be careful about this workplace due to the accidents and how we should carry around pepper spray just in case.

That soon led to Ymir laughing and saying how Sasha would just drink it all. The four of them giggled before finally reaching the workplace.

It had a faint smell of cherry which was different from the last time you came which was to give your resume and to do an interview in which you all succeeded.

Y/N led them to a room in which they signed in and got their land yards to open locked doors around the hospital.

"We have 10 minutes to spare.. let's just stay here like everyone else." Krista said as she sat down on a chair.

"Which ward did you guys get?" Ymir asked as she plopped down onto the couch in the lounge room. "I got ward 6 and it's all the way on the other side of this crappy building!"

"I think there's a reason you got an easy ward, Ymir.." Y/N said, earning a scoff from the freckled woman.

"Yeah Ward 6 is for slightly unstable people.. I got ward 4 and I think that's for children who need help.." Krista said before sulking at the thought of children being in a mental hospital.

"I got Ward 3! I'll be able to see Krista every now and then so it won't be that bad." Sasha said making Ymir groan in annoyance.

"I got Ward 1." Y/N said bluntly making the whole room go quiet. "What?"

"Y/N, Ward 1 is where all the crazy shi- I mean uh stuff happens." Ymir said. "Before we applied for this crazy job, so many doctors have died just by taking care of one patient in Ward 1"

"Ymir! Stop scaring us like that!" Krista said.

"It's true! I've heard that one of the guys in there is so crazy that he just stares at you and you'll want to die!" Sasha exclaimed scared.

"Sasha! S-stop it!" Krista exclaimed. "Y/N if you ever need to swap Wards I think you can ask the boss or some higher up."

"I'll be alright.. I think I got placed there due to my grades and experience." Y/N explained with a smile.

"I heard only experts work in Ward 1 so good luck with those people." Ymir said.


"That must be the bell for us to start working.. see you later Y/N." Sasha said before waving goodbye and walking off with Ymir and Krista who also did the same.

I made my go Ward 1 only to be greeted by a tall, blue eyed man and a and goggled, brunette woman.

"You must be Y/N?" The tall man asked reaching out to shake her hand. "We are in charge of Ward 1."

"Yes. I'm working in Ward 1, it's a pleasure to meet you" Y/N said shaking his hand.

"I'm Erwin Smith and this Hange Zoe. I'll be accompanying you for today to see how it goes." Erwin said smiling.

"If you ever need me I'll be in my office, pretty gal." Hange said before smirking and walking off.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Erwin said.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now