What she never told Edith... was that Ivy did escape... she should have just run. She would have made it...

Why did Lily have to scream when she got caught by that border guard? If she hadn't...

Lily stared at the empty doorway.

Ivy shouldn't have come back.

She's a child! It was my idea! I'll take the punishment.

Guilt dug deeply inside her again. That burn of the whip she would never forget.

It was her fault Ivy was dead.


Tristan felt odd having four enforcers with him as they approached the border. He only knew one of them, and vaguely.

It was a hindrance he felt.

"Rafe said you'd be paying us a visit." A male spoke as they approached the main path into Cana territory. He whistled, loud. Tristan glanced ahead of them.

"Go on in." He said.

"Thank you." Tristan said as they walked past them. Rafe's territory was much more tightly packed than theirs. It didn't take them long to reach the main village. Immediately he noticed there was some excited commotion. A few small groups were talking animatedly. With how tightly strung he felt, he hardly paid attention.

No one paid them much mind.

The heavy smell of non-pack females nearing their heats was bothering him a bit. It was just a stark reminder they weren't on their territory. His wolf was antsy.

Ideally, he wanted to take her back to his own territory for the mating moon... he didn't know how his inner self would handle it here. If she wanted him that is...

He was kind of unsure.

And he had no idea how she'd react if he asked. He couldn't help that his inner beast was antsy. Afraid she'd choose another.

Dammit... he didn't know if he even should ask.

Tristan felt distracted as they headed for the Alpha housing. He'd been there countless times. Even during the warring days, Cana wasn't one they usually had issues with. They hadn't fought with each other since their great-grandfather's were Alphas.

As they rounded a bend, the white haired female exiting a house with a caretaker immediately caught his attention. Tristan stopped dead in shock.

He usually could feel when she was nearby. It was a startling reminder that their bond was gone. And her scent was so mild compared to the females around her. It didn't even smell like she was nearing her heat.

She was carrying a pup, either two years old or nearing two. It stirred his wolf oddly. She abruptly paused and turned back. Their eyes unexpectedly met.

Tristan felt suddenly furious when he saw her eyes red rimmed and puffy. Had she been crying? His gaze inevitably went to her bandaged neck.

... that bastard bit her almost a week ago now. Why did she still need bandaging?

He vaguely smelled her blood. Not actively bleeding but an open wound. Tristan had to force the wolf in him down.

Bond or not, his fur side still claimed her as his...

Her expression turned nervous. Tristan immediately tried to push down the anger so she didn't get the wrong idea... and walked over to her.


Lily stared at Tristan in shock. She knew Rafe said he was coming, but seeing him was still jarring.

She'd always sensed him before. Having had no warning to his presence startled her.

Winter WolfWhere stories live. Discover now