Even If It Destroyed Her

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I can't wait to see my love.

She thought silently to herself, as she walked to their apartment. A bright smile rested on her lips as she thought about finally seeing her boyfriend after a long, hard day of daily challenges and struggles.

Taking her keys out, she unlocked the door and quietly tiptoed to their room where she knew the love of her life would be.

"I can't do this any longer," His familiar voice spoke, she stood quietly at the door as it was left ajar. It was wrong to listen to his conversation without him knowing, but she was curious as to what was bothering him.

Afterall, he was distant- so tried and frustrated these past few days.

"She's so clingy and annoying. I can't stand her no more! And when she tells me she loves me- gosh, I don't want to hear it ever again from her. I want to hear it from you, I just want you here instead of her. I hate hugging her, I hate spending time with her. I want to be with you Eve."

He spoke frustratingly on the phone.

Is he...is he talking about me?

"I can't do this any longer Eve, I need you." The pleading in his voice was thick, it's like all he wanted was her, Eve, his real love.

She refrained herself from letting out a sob, as she held her hands to her mouth. Tears whelmed almost instantly in her dark orbs, as her heart broke silently. Yet that was a painful sound ever to be heard.

"Okay baby, I'll call you back. She's going to be home anytime soon now." He sighed and hung up the phone. Gathering herself, she knocked on the room door and entered as he now wore a big smile on his face.

But she could tell it was fake.

"Hey baby," He smiled, getting off the bed as he brought her into a tight embrace. Her heart broke into even smaller pieces as she no longer felt loved in his embrace. She felt like a burden to him, she felt unwanted.

"How was your day baby?" He asked, as they sat on the bed together. His head resting on her lap, and as always, she ran her fingers through his soft locks. "It was fine." She whispered, his heartbreaking words from earlier still stuck in her head like a record player.

"Baby, I love you." He whispered, almost lovingly but she knew it was a lie.

He doesn't love me, he's in love with someone else.

And even though she knew this was bound to happen, her heart still broke because she loved him. She loved him too much to even be angry at him for loving someone else. Because in the end, she just wanted him to be happy.

Even if it meant destroying herself.

Eunoia • Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now