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❝ Maybe it's the lingering fear of being alone or maybe it's the feeling of being unimportant, but I dislike being ignored. I've been told to 'turn off my emotions', it would help with not hurting but don't I deserve to feel something? Be it any emotion, I'm only just human after all.

How dare you have a right to tell me not to feel, tell me how to abandon my feelings and deepest thoughts. I'm allowed to, I deserve to feel important. Even if it's just for a second, I want to feel wanted. I want to be able to feel everything without having to run from what I feel. I deserve it, don't I?

Or maybe, speaking aloud of my wonders and feeling is simply just stupid because I see things a different way and I just need to stop speaking about it. Such a confusing feeling, overthought ❞

Eunoia • Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now