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Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Was the only thought in Olivia's mind. It was playing on loop as she tried not to scream and run away. Had that been a bit dramatic? Yeah, but some random lady she doesn't know recognised her.

"You what?" She asked.

Now that the woman had interested her, she had decided to look at the ladies more obvious features. She had longish brown hair and brown eyes and wasn't very tall, not like Olivia could talk though.

The woman let out a little laugh before Thomas also spoke up, "You know us?" he said, his confusion obvious.

"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the maze." She paused, walking over to Brenda. "Though i must admit," she knelt down, grabbing Brenda's wrist to check her pulse. "I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."

Everyone was stood around, watching in confusion as the scene in front of them unfolded. Olivia badly wanted to find out how the hell this woman knew her, but decided against it instead, obviously they had something happening right now and she could hopefully wait a few more minutes.

"What I did?" Thomas stammered.

"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinated of every Wicked compound, trail and lab." She smiled up at him.

Everyone stood in shock, "he was our source." Vince realised.

"We couldn't have pulled all this off without him." The lady nodded, before turning back to Brenda. "Take her to the tent. Get these guys some warm clothes."

A man came over and helped Jorge lift B, helping him take her to the medical tent as instructed. "Careful." She told them.

"Come on." Jorge mumbled as they carried her away.

"Hey, it's the least we can do. Thomas, Olivia, come on." She told them, motioning for them to follow her. "I need to get some blood from you." She told the boy. "Olivia, we should talk." She told her.

Olivia simply nodded and followed along, she didn't want to leave Aurora behind but she trusted Teresa.

She looked like a nice girl and looked like she wouldn't hurt a fly, so she felt like Rory would be safe with her. Teresa had her full trust.

Everyone watched in shock as the three walked away.

The medical tent wasn't anything too shabby. A few beds and the necessary medical supplies. Overall, not bad.

"In the beginning, we were lost. All we knew for sure, was that the younger you were the stronger your chances."

"You worked for Wicked?" Thomas asked.

She nodded, "a long time ago." She said it in a sad tone, showing her unhappiness about it.

"You know, at first we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key, because you were immune." She was making some sort of mixture while she confessed this to them. "But why? Eventually, we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the bloodstream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus."

"So, you found a cure?" Olivia asked, intrigued by what the woman was telling them.

"Not exactly." She paused. "The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. The young. Of course, that didn't stop Wicked. If they had their way, they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All for this." She stated, holding up a needle, the inside of the syringe containing a blue substance.

"A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us." She finished, walking over to Brenda, who was panting.

She pulled up the girls sleeve and quickly but carefully, injected the serum into the girl.

Her panting had started to slow down, turning into soft breaths.

"How long will that give her?" Thomas asked.

"It's different for everyone. A few months maybe. But that's the catch, isn't it? She'll always need more."

She paused and took a few breaths as she observed the girl who laid in front of her. "Okay. Let's um... Let's go outside. Let them rest. Let's go." She told Jorge who hesitated before getting up and leaving the tent.

Once she had seen Jorge had fully left she sat down opposite them.

"Olivia, you don't remember me do you?" The woman asked.

"No... I don't. Sorry." She said in reply.

The woman nodded her head before talking again. "Okay. Well I'm Mary. I used to be friends with your mother and father."

"You were friends with my parents?" She asked, knowing her parents had been killed by Wicked when she was younger.

All she could remember from her childhood was her house, but only the things a kid would notice, her parents and brother. That was all she was able to remember. That was also her last memory before remembering about Jorge saving her when she was around twelve.

"I was, we were very good friends. That was until Wicked started taking immune children for the cure. Obviously, your parents didn't want to just hand over you and your brother to them. So..."

"Yeah, I know." Olivia said flatly, biting the inside of her cheek to make sure she didn't cry or anything.

"When you first got there, you saw me and immediately stopped worrying. You thought you were going to be okay."

"Wait." Olivia stopped her. "What do you mean when I first got there? I was at Wicked? Why don't I remember?" Olivia felt bad asking so many questions at once, but she had to know the answers to them.

"I'll get onto that in a minute." She took a deep breath. "I was the one who did all the tests on you, you refused to let anyone else do them. But Wicked had taken a special interest in you, whenever you did anything to do with aim whether it was a test or you trying to get away from the guards, your aim... Well it was perfect. You never missed. They tried to turn you into some sort of weapon."

Thomas turned his head to look at Olivia. He noticed her face, she looked like she was going to cry. Without a second thought, he grabbed her hand and held onto it, letting her know he was there.

She turned her head to him and smiled, it wasn't a happy smile, but more of an 'i appreciate it' smile.

"After a while, you had disappeared. Nowhere to be found. Obviously they weren't happy and tried to search for you, using the tracker in your neck too. But it had been disabled."

Olivia's face scrunched up in confusion. She had no clue any of this had happened to her, so it was all coming as a shock to her.

"I found out that someone helped you escape. They cut the tracker out your neck and wiped your memory of the place, but they made it so it would kick in once you had found someone else, and you were safe. They didn't want you to remember what happened while you were there. All the pain you went through when you refused to cooperate... The torture you went through." She said sympathetically.

"Who was it?" Olivia asked, desperately wanting to know.

"Olivia," She smiled, "it was him." She said her gaze adverting to Thomas.

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭.- 𝐓𝐌𝐑, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂¹Where stories live. Discover now