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Groaning, she lifted her head up, propped herself up on her elbows and looked around her to see if she could find either Brenda or Thomas.

She coughed loudly once she had breathed in too deeply, the dust from the rubble filling her lungs, stopping her from breathing properly.

As she surveyed her surroundings she realised her legs were buried in the rubble. She panicked, trying to wiggle her legs free, but it was no use. Damn was this going to be embarrassing.

She saw Thomas jolt up and start coughing loudly. Once he calmed down he looked around and saw her stuck. The worry in his eyes obvious, but he tried to compose himself and hide it.

Faster than ever, he got up and moved over to her, "shit, are you okay?" he asked, genuine fear was written all over him as if he was a book.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I love being buried under rubble unable to get out." She sassed.

He didn't even seem to care that she was joking around, he wanted to get her out fast. "Have you tried to move your legs? Tried to get out?"

"No I've just been sat here looking pretty. Yeah I've tried to get out!" She said, groaning as the weight crushed her body, the adrenaline wearing off and the pain kicking in.

"It'll be fine, I'll help you get out." Wow it was like he wasn't even trying to hide his concern.

After a while he finally got the stuff off her, she looked fine, she just hoped she could walk properly. She knew that if she couldn't walk she wouldn't even make it out of the tunnel, because god knows what lived down there.

"Thanks, Thomas." She softly spoke, looking into his eyes to show it was genuine.

"You're welcome Olivia." He said, matching her tone.

A small smile broke out onto his face before the moment was ruined by Brenda shouting, "You guys okay?" From the other end of the the small part of the tunnel they were currently in.

By the sounds of it she had gotten up first and taken a look at what was surrounding them, to make sure that they weren't going to die straight away.

"Yep, absolutely fine B," Liv replied, slightly annoyed at Brenda for interrupting their little moment.

The boy helped her up off the ground and she stumbled, struggling to stand up after having her legs crushed. She tried dusting herself off. "B! Bum check!" She shouted the other girl and turned around for her to see.

She ran over and helped brush off the rest of the dirt on her bum and legs, "there we go." She had said once it was all off.

Olivia smiled at her thanking her, before turning her head to see Thomas giving them a confused and weird look. "What? It's a girl thing you wouldn't understand."

He just nodded, and smiled slightly. He then turned and spoke, "how are we gonna get back to the others?" Olivia just rolled her eyes in response and started to walk down the tunnel, catching a flashlight Brenda threw to her.

"We cant go up so we have to go through here." She said dryly, making Thomas frown.

He followed her as she shined her torch over anything and everything. When she turned around he wasn't behind her. Whatever. He had probably split up to try find something and be the leader of the group.

Why should she care where he is? She doesn't know him. But she does care. But why? Why does she care?

She heard muffled talking, she decided not to pay attention and carried on searching when she suddenly heard shouts and a gun going off.

She started running towards the noise, one of her knives in her hand. If there was one thing in the whole world she was good at it was knife throwing, her aim was always perfect.

Once she had gotten to them she saw them being chased by cranks, that looked further past the gone than she had ever seen and thought to be possible, she threw her knife at one of the cranks who got too close to her liking, making it drop to the ground immediately. No one knew how, but she always managed to get cranks down somehow. She got her gun out and shot another few before looking over to see Thomas and Brenda running through the tunnel shouting for her to follow.

Quickly, she sprinted after them. She was a fast runner, yeah not the fastest but she could easily catch up with them and outrun some cranks.

Once she had finished running through the dark tunnels she had to put her hand up to block the sun from her eyes as she adjusted. As her they got used to the bright light she realised she was on a cliff and the other two had started climbing up a building and she shortly followed. She had shot some more cranks on her way, getting them off their backs.

She was trying to be conservative with bullets, she didn't have an endless supply of them so she had to watch what she was doing.

They climbed up rubble, stumbling from it shifting and being uneven. Swiftly, they climbed into a lopsided building and rushed up the broken stairs. Once they got to the top Brenda had grabbed onto something to hold her up, before it broke sending her through a closed door and making her land on the massive glass window underneath it, trapping her so she couldn't move around

"B!" Liv has screamed as she moved to get a view of her best friend. "B, dont move!" She shrieked as she saw the glass crack beneath her.

"Brenda! You okay?" Thomas had shouted down, when he realised she wasn't moving.

After a few seconds she moved and replied, "Yeah!" Her breathing sped up when she slowly turned her head and saw the deadly drop beneath her. One wrong move no matter how big or small, she wasn't making it out of this alive.

Her eyes widened as Olivia shouted, "hang on! I'm gonna find a way down okay! Stay there!" As the girl scrambled around trying to search for a way to reach her friend.

"Brenda, don't move! Don't move!" Thomas shouted as he also tried to find a way down. After a second he spoke as he realised, "the door. I think I have a way down Liv." Desperately he swung on the door and carefully slid down, grabbing onto stuff as he fell to ensure him to not end up in the same position as the other girl.

Slowly, she stood up breathing heavily. The boy reached his arm out for her to grab but it was no use, she couldn't reach him.

He kept telling her to grab his hand but it did nothing. If she moved she would fall through and die.

Everything only got worse when Olivia screamed as a crank tried to attack her, but missed falling down through the door too.

"Shit!" Olivia shouted, realising it had fallen down. It slid into Brenda, sending her into the window as it tried to attack her, making her well aware of the fact that she will probably die. Yelling, she tried to get the thing off her as well as trying not to fall through.

She crawled around trying to reach for Thomas' hand when the crank suddenly pulled her back by the leg and tried to punch her, just shattering the glass more. She screamed as she tried to get the thing off of her, and when she finally did she reached for Thomas, actually getting his hand this time.

Once Olivia had seen that she had his hand she fired a shot at the glass, sending the crank to its death and away from her two friends.

Thomas pulled Brenda up while repeating the words, "I gotcha." Over and over again. Whether it was to reassure himself or the girl, Olivia had no clue and really didn't care about it in this moment of time. All she cared about was the fact her best friend was alive and not dead.

She could cry, scratch that, she did cry. Damn hormones.

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭.- 𝐓𝐌𝐑, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂¹Where stories live. Discover now