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A smile crept up onto Thomas' lips when he heard her say that.

He was so happy he genuinely thought he could run around screaming everything that had just happened to everyone.

Instead he hugged her as tight as he could, burying his head in her neck, taking her by surprise.

She just hugged him back and smiled gently, stroking his hair.

"What happened in the medical tent?" Newt asked Olivia and Thomas as they sat down.

They had just come down from the mountain and were now sat with the group of boys they had traveled here with. The spot they were sat in overlooked the whole of the camp, giving them a great view of what was going on.

"Mary took some of my blood and made Brenda a serum. She'll be better." Thomas answered.

Liv was so grateful that he didn't mention the part where her whole past got revealed, she didn't want to explain it to them and Rory was sat next to her.

Once they had gotten down from the mountain she immediately went to find Rory, feeling bad she made the little girl wait so long for her.

After a few moments of silence Newt spoke up.
"I wish Alby could've seen all this." He said in a sad tone.

"And Winston." Fry added after a few seconds.

Thomas fiddled with the little statue in his hand, "and Chuck."

"He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt told him.


"Hey, Aris!" Fry shouted down to the boy.

Aris was sat with the two girls from his maze, presumably catching up with them.

"Hey, guys!" He shouted up to them, waving.

Fry smiled and turned back to the rest. "I kinda like that kid." He said happily.

"Yeah. I still don't trust him, though." Minho replied, making the other boys smile along.

"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asked.

Olivia stuck her tongue in her cheek at his comment. Was she jealous? No....

She was jealous. One hundred percent. No doubt about it.

"She went up there." Newt told him, pointing his thumb to a taller part of mountain behind them.

Thomas went off to find her leaving Olivia with the rest of the group.

"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Brenda. You mind looking after Aurora while I'm gone?" She asked after a few seconds.

She wasn't saying that to get away, but she also didn't really want to stay there with them for the moment.

But she did want to check on Brenda and Jorge, see how they were doing.

"Yeah, it's fine. Let us know how she's doing, yeah?" Newt told her.

She smiled and nodded a 'yes', before heading down to the medical tent.

When Olivia had gotten there, she saw Brenda awake and Jorge sat next to her.

"Hey, guys." She said quietly as she crept in and sat next to Jorge. "How you feeling, B?"

"Not too bad." She answered, smiling up at the girl. "What happened after Thomas ran after you?" She smirked.

"What?" She asked, completely flustered.

"Something happened didn't it? Olivia, tell me right now!"

Olivia bent down next to her ear and whispered, "not telling you."

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭.- 𝐓𝐌𝐑, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂¹Where stories live. Discover now