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As she watched the teenagers get hauled away into the room she so called the 'hang out room',
-yes she found that extremely funny- she poured herself a glass of water. After her long journey she was pretty thirsty and could do with a drink.

She decided she would head downstairs to grab a snack, she just got them a whole ass deer, the least they could do was give her a snack until it was time for dinner.

Once she got downstairs she greeted one of the cooks, she was in a good mood after seeing Liv's result from hunting.

Politely, Olivia asked her for a snack, saying it could be anything really. The cook happily obliged and made her a sandwich, speedily handing it over to the girl before resuming her usual duties.

She took it and thanked the cook, before making her way back upstairs to talk to Brenda, eating it on her way.

It wasn't much, just a cheese sandwich, it wasn't her favourite but she'd take anything she could get. She was lucky she even got a snack, and no way in hell she'd act ungrateful, she'd never do that. She just couldn't.

When she got up there she saw Brenda sat on the couch, but Jorge was gone. She decided she would go check on how the teens were doing.

As she entered the room, she saw Jorge walking out. She gave him a little smile which he quickly returned. She walked over to the kids, sitting on the edge of the floor over the hole.

The room was huge, mostly empty and had a massive hole in the ground going way deep, with a shit ton of cranks at the bottom. So even if you managed to survive the fall, which you wouldn't unless you have some sort of super powers, the cranks would get you.

Above it was usually empty ropes, and a lever at the side that made the ropes go up and down. There was also a long stick, you know just in case you didn't want to give someone a death sentence, and decided to let them live.

"How you guys hanging in there," she asked jokingly.

"Let us down and we'll tell you." Snapped the Asian.

"Oh calm down, it's not that bad. Maybe some blood in the head will do you good." She retorted.

"Oh bite me." He sassed. This guy really is full of himself isn't he?

"Sorry i'm not a crank. Maybe one of those down there will bite you though." She grinned before looking over at the brunette who seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

"Sooo..." She paused. "You guys came from Wicked." She said, still looking at the boy. They made eye contact once again, the feeling of recognition getting stronger.

Who was this kid? She knew it wasn't her brother, who was probably around the same age as him now, if he was even alive. Considering the fact that Wicked took him and shot her parents in the process.

"Seems like you had that figured out," the brunette replied.

Now that she had a chance, she looked at each one of them individually. She had already fully scanned the brunette earlier so she could skip him. Blondie or Babyface, she couldn't decide on a nickname, had a tall slim figure, brown eyes and, you guessed it, blonde hair.

The Asian boy had styled black hair and strong muscles. He looked like he worked out 24/7 or something. He wasn't bad looking at all.

There was also a girl, with long black hair and pale skin, another boy with light skin and brown hair, and one last boy who had dark skin with very short black hair.

"Helloooo?" One of them called snapping her out of her trance, "anyone in there?"

"Yeah,what did you want?" She asked, moving her eyes onto the person who said it. She wasn't surprised when she figured out it was the Asian boy.

"Can you let us down? I think i'm going to shucking die from all this blood rushing to my head." He moaned.

Shucking? What kind of word is that? She thought.

"Oh yeah let me just ignore what i've been told to do" She replied, hoping the sarcasm was obvious.

"Wait actually?" He replied shocked.

"No. Are you thick in the head? Actually, maybe you are from the looks of how much hair gel you use. Must be blocking up your senses." She remarked, trying not to laugh at her own words.

She got a few snickers and laughs out of that which she took as a compliment.

"Shuck you" He grunted.

"I have no clue what that means so no thanks." She said before getting up. "You guys have fun here yeah? Because i'm going." She smiled.

She got up off the ground before walking out, waving them a sarcastic goodbye, giggling slightly and walking out to go to her room.

She hadn't changed since she got back so she was going to now. She wasn't going to change too much though, because you never know when you might have to run, whether from crank or from all the dirty men in here.

She was lucky enough to have her own sink in there, considering she was one of Jorges favourites, she got it easily. She removed her black leather jacket and her short sleeve white top. She replaced it with a dark red long sleeve one and put the jacket back on; she decided she wouldn't change her trousers until after dinner, it would be a waste since they're not too dirty.

She washed her face in the sink, staring into the slightly broken mirror in front of her. The urge came over her.

Why? Nothing had gone wrong today. She usually only wants to when she feels she's not good enough- that she didn't do enough for everyone. Today had gone as smoothly as possible.

Did she feel like she wasn't enough at the moment? She wasn't sure, her thoughts were clouded by her recent interaction, and she hadn't actually thought about it.

She never liked to think too hard about what had happened, because when she did she'd often trail back to that one day or she'd start thinking horribly about herself.

Sadly, right now she was thinking too hard. She ripped off her jacket and rolled up her sleeves, displaying the immense amount of scars coving both her arms.

Was it bad for her? Yes no doubt, but once she had started she was unable to stop.

Before she knew it she was dragging the blade across her arm, gasping at the pain. She had always seemed to forget how bad it hurt. The tears were flowing out her eyes as she tried to hold back her sobs.

After a couple cuts she realised she needed to clean this up, anyone could walk in at any second. She ran the tap washing the blade first, then her arms. It hurt like hell, but she had to do it.

She dried it off before rolling her sleeves back down wiping her tears.

Out of nowhere, a knock sounded from her door.

I hope i described it well, and i am not trying to romanticise this stuff at all! If you ever need someone to talk to i'm here no matter when you're reading this.

Hope you guys liked this one!

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭.- 𝐓𝐌𝐑, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂¹Where stories live. Discover now