Part 14- The Beginning of a New Start

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No ones POV 

The Losers had all stayed in Derry, they felt it was wrong to just leave without Y/N, especially after what he had done for them. The injured man was currently being lead by hand to a local café. That's where him and Beverly were going to meet the rest of them at. The few days he had spent in the hospital was a pain, the doctors weld him there for a little while going through his past medical history and questioning the reason of his injury in general. Thankfully all he had to was wave his hand like the Obi-wan Kenobi and all was good for him to go. 

Beverly held his hand tightly, every now and then she'd often look over at Y/N to make sure he was alright, something that he definitely picked up on. It was a strange feeling for him to have someone worry this much about him, its been too long since the last time someone genuinely did. Though it felt strange and sort of foreign to him, he must to admit to himself he enjoyed it. 

They hadn't been walking for too long, in fact it was one stop before they were gonna hit the road and head out of Derry for good, though the others felt it was wrong to up and leave Derry without Y/N being up and about again, so they wait for him to be better. That's where Y/N and Beverly were heading to now, a café that sat neatly in the centre of Derry, a place they all agreed to heading to before leaving completely. 

Y/N glance around town, memories filled his head. The alley where Eddie and the rest of the Losers watched as he stitched up an injured Ben. Y/N wondered to himself, what if Stan was still here? Would he of made it just like the rest of them, maybe he could've saved his life like he did with Eddie's? He shook his head at the thoughts when he felt someone tug lightly at his arm.

Beverly: Hey you still with me?

The voice ran through his ears, as he turned in the red heads direction.

Y/N: Huh? What's that? 

Beverly let out a chuckle that he couldn't get enough of hearing, as she shook her head, a smirk creeping its way upon her lips.

Beverly: I said we're here. What's going on in that brain of yours?

She took a steps towards him, reaching a hand up, fiddling with some of his hair before she let it rest beside her again. Y/N eyed her every move, like he was studying art being made right in front of him.

Y/N: Just... thinking is all.

Beverly: Ooooo and do you think, you thinking is a really good idea? 

Her mouth made small o shape as she raised an eyebrow, in an attempt to tease the man in front of her. Y/N let out a scoff, shaking his head, a smile evident on his face.

Y/N: That doesn't make any sense.

Beverly: Sure it does. What were you thinking about?

He held an unreadable face for a moment, he took a couple of seconds before he gave her a reply.

Y/N: A memory, but Stan mostly... Just thinking, maybe I could've saved him is all, maybe I could've done something.

Beverly looked away slightly not too sure on how to respond right away, though it didn't take her long to look back a speak.

Beverly: There's no way you would've know what would've happen and-

Y/N: But maybe I should've, I always felt like I was a few steps behind, thinking too small. I should've thought bigger, prepare for everything. 

He had cut off mid sentence, as he started to get passionate with what he was saying, these fresh new thought lingering in his mind like a plague.

Beverly: Listen to me, what happened, happened there's no way any of us knew what was gonna happen-

It chapter 2 (Beverly marsh x male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang