Part 7 - The Shining

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The room's atmosphere was heavy and was in complete silence. Y/N leant against the same table, now with a bandaged hand. His eyes focused on the ground in front of him. Y/N felt the gaze of everyone on him, and for the time in awhile he was unsure of what to say.

Y/N only had the thought of: How do you tell all your friends that you've had supernatural powers since, well you were born?

Richie: So are you gonna say something or what man?

Eddie: Yeah dude come on.

Beverly: Guys... I'm sure Y/N will explain just give him a minute... right Y/N?

Y/N could feel her eyes on him but couldn't bring himself to look at her.

Mike: You're right Beverly, Y/N has a perfect explanation. Trust him.

Mike put his hands on Y/N's shoulder, causing the man to look up from the floor and at him instead. Mike gave Y/N a nod, which Y/N only responded with a sigh, before hesitantly turning to the others.

Y/N: When I was a kid I never really knew what made me different from everyone else. At first I thought I just had some imagination friend, I use to called it Tony. But really it's what people like me call the shine or the shining, well at least that's what some of us call it; I guess we all have our own names for it.

Richie: Wait so Tony shines?

Eddie: No dickweed, Tony is the shine. Keep up.

Richie let out a quiet sorry before Y/N continued his explanation.

Y/N: The reason why I knew why Mike was in danger, or where to find Beverly; it was because of the shining.

Ben: So you can what, find people or something.

Y/N: Not quite, but yes, if I focus hard enough I can; it's like tuning to the right radio frequency and I'll hopefully eventually I find them. But that's not all of what I can do.

Mike: Tell them about the visions.

Richie: Hold on visions? Like what Beverly had all those years ago?

Y/N: Sort of yeah, it's a pain in my ass though.

Richie: Awesome.

Beverly: Richie.

Richie: What having visions of the future sounds cool... Okay I'll shut up now.

Y/N: It's not just visions of the future, I see visions of the past as well. For example if I were to touch you or you touch me I'll sometimes see something that's happened to you, sort of like like a memory, which I can see your memories if I try.

Eddie: Okay, okay just one second, if you have visions of the future, just tell us what happens next.

Y/N let out a short chuckle.

Y/N: Wish it was that simple. But I don't think you would want to know the stuff I've seen.

Richie: You can't just say "hey guys and I can see the future and shit" and not tell us what happens.

Y/N: I mean just ask Beverly, she saw one of the outcomes.

Richie: Okay, you know what this is bullshit, Y/N can you stop shitting with us for one second and tell us the truth.

Beverly: I mean, not to side against you here Y/N but this is pretty hard to believe.

Y/N let a sigh escape his lips as he rubbed his eyes. Then he got an idea. He pushed himself off the table and made his way towards Richie.

Richie: Hey man what are you doing?

Once he was close enough he leant in and whispered in Richie's ear. The secret. The very secret only Richie and apparently Pennywise knew. Y/N back away from a shocked Richie, who could only stare at him in bewilderment.

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