Part 9 - Ritual of Chud

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Sewer water filled my shoes, each step I took a mixture of unpleasant sounds could heard. However sewer water in my shoes and drenching my shocks is the least of my concerns. I decided to be at the back just to make sure no one lags behind.

This place was like a maze but thankfully Mike knew which twists and turns to take, I'm not sure how he knew exactly but I'm glad he did.

Beverly: You should stick by me, when everything hits the fan okay?

Y/N: Oh? Why's that? You don't think I can handle myself?

Beverly let out a chuckle from my response.

Beverly: Within 24 hours you've had two encounters in which you could have been killed so I'm sorry if I'm a little worried.

This time it was me who let out chuckle.

Y/N: Well if I remember rightly I held my own against Bowers and well your ex he just... caught me off guard is all.

Beverly: Caught you off guard? At a time like this? Hard to believe.

Y/N: Listen Bev, I need you to promise me something.

I lowered my voice to a whisper just so she could hear me.

Y/N: If things do go south, which more than likely will and it comes to either me or yourself; you choose yourself. I don't want you dying because me okay?

Beverly: Absolutely not, didn't you say we do this together? Y/N we're gonna get out of this, all of us, alive.

I slightly turn my head to look at her, meeting her eyes.

Y/N: Quite optimistic, good. I think everyone could learn something from you Bev.

Beverly: What do you mean?

Y/N: What I mean is, that you're one of the strongest members out of us, maybe even the strongest one. You might not think it but even back then when we're kids, and you did your whole speech on how no one but us was going to do something and that we need to stay as a group. Back then you probably had your head screwed on the most.

Beverly: You're joking right, I was terrified back then.

Y/N: And that's what made you even more incredible, you were scared shitless, and rightfully so after what we saw and yet you knew exactly what had to be done. Now that's admirable.

Beverly: Well I don't think I would've been able to do all that back then without you, you saved my life twice, first in Bill's garage and the second when I was caught by IT. How do you do it? You seem so unafraid, even now.

Y/N: I'm scared, even now. But back then even though years went by I was still traumatised from what happened at the Overlook. So whatever IT wanted me to see, wasn't so much different from what I've already seen.

Beverly: I couldn't imagine what you went through back then. You didn't deserve what happened.

I let out deep sigh.

Y/N: No one did, but if not me then who? Once I got out of that nightmare, I thought I was done with it all but I was wrong, that place sent its ghosts to get; sort of a last ditch effort to get what got away. Thankfully though I did have help.

Beverly: Jesus... who helped you?

Y/N: Guy named Dick Hallorann, he was the chief at the hotel, and he came back to help us. Unfortunately he died... my father killed him. I blame myself, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

There was a short silence between us before I spoke again.

Y/N: So to answer your question, "how do I do it?" I have help.

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