Part 13- Aftermath

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No ones Pov

Eddie: Urgh I think I got some of your blood in my mouth.

Eddie proceeded try and spit the taste of blood out his mouth, however the distinct taste of iron was still there.

Eddie: Why didn't I just go up first?

He was referring to long climb that they just had to do to get back to the sewer system.

Y/N: Your idea man.

Eddie: I know!

Y/N: Come on, help me down this mess.

Eddie grabbed onto Y/N's hand and try to help safely lower him down the junk and into to disgusting water. Unfortunately for Eddie, Y/N's hand was still slippery with his blood some Y/N's hand easily slipped through Eddie's grasp as he fell straight into the water below.

Eddie: Oh shit! Y/N you good dude, you're not dead are you?

Y/N resurfaced, wiping his eyes while letting some pained noises escape his lips.

Y/N: No... not yet.

Eddie: I'm so so so sorry dude! I didn't mean for that to happen! You just-

Y/N: Eds you're good, lets just get out of here.

Eddie quickly jumped down, made his way to Y/N's side; once again helping him walk. Y/N's speech had started to become slow and tired sounding, this was something Eddie didn't take too long picked up on.

The two kept going as fast as they could, obviously with Y/N's condition it was pretty difficult but to there surprise they were making quite good distance.

Y/N: Thanks for the help Eddie, this would've been pretty difficult for me to do alone.

Eddie: Yeah do mention it, I should be honestly thanking you; you saved my life so this is the least I could do?

Y/N: I couldn't let you die, I just... couldn't.

Eddie: So like I was gonna like die, die back there huh? Did you know that was gonna happen.

Y/N: I did.

Eddie: Do you know if you're gonna die?

Y/N: I don't know... maybe.

Y/N's answer did not sit right with Eddie, if he knew how he was gonna die why wouldn't Y/N know if he would die, was all Eddie could think of. The thought worried him about his friend, does Y/N know he's going die but still jumped in front the hit for him anyway? These thoughts kept bouncing around in Eddie's over and over.

Finally after some struggling, they had made it back to the rope that lead them down the well.

Y/N: You first this time.

Eddie: No way, if you pass out I want to be able to catch you okay.

Y/N: Alight, just no complaining.

Suddenly they felt the ground shake underneath their feet.

Eddie: An earthquake?

Y/N: Maybe but lets hurry. 

Though Y/N was in a lot of pain, he pushed through it and climbed the rope. With each pull another series grunts of pain, but he could stop now he was almost out even with his arms and grip became weak. Eddie barely kept his eyes off Y/N, wanting to make sure his friend wasn't gonna pass out at any moment, he was terrified for both him and himself.

Once Y/N reached the top of the well he painfully pulled himself up and over, dropping to the ground with thud once he did. Y/N laid there for a few moments catching his breath, this moment gave him some time to realise the earthquake was getting worse. Eddie now reached the top quickly hopping over and moving to his friends side.

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