Part 12- The Key to Defeating It

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Before Richie could finish his sentence, Pennywise open it large mouth to reveal the deadlights behind It. Richie's arms dropped to his side, his mouth gapped open and his eyes had completely turned white. This was the effect of the deadlights, this happened to Beverly all those years ago. Richie's body began to float in the air, as some of the other losers could only watch in horror of what was happening to their friend. 

unknown to Beverly, Y/N had left her side and begun to carefully make his way towards Richie. During this time Eddie came running out the same place Richie had come, and stopped dead in his tracks; letting out a gasp upon seeing what was happening to his best friend. Fear ran down Eddie's spine, he felt helpless in this situation, but then he look down at the spear he held in his hands and remembered what Beverly had told him "This kills monsters. If you believe it does." He tightened his grip around the spear, repeating the sentence to himself. A sudden boost of confidence and bravery spread across his entire body, determined to save his friend, he strung into action. 

Eddie: Beep-beep, Motherfucker! 

Eddie let out his war cry charging in, he reeled back his arm holding the spear and with one powerful throw he threw the deadly weapon into the mouth of the beast. Direct hit, Pennywise let out a painful cry falling backwards. This had thankfully freed Richie from the hold the deadlights had on him, as he fell to the ground as well. Richie let grunt once hit the ground, all the while Pennywise seemed to be choking on spear; spitting out a fiery liquid from his mouth. The beast only seemed to impale himself further when he fell backwards onto a spike.  

Most the Losers looked on at Eddie, smiling happily at the show of bravery he had just expressed. The sounds of It's pain was music to all their ears, they were hurting, Eddie had hurt It. Unknown to some of them Eddie had found the key to beating the monster.

Eddie: Holy shit! Rich!

Eddie had moved quickly to Richie's side turning his back to It.

Eddie: Hey, Rich wake up! Hey! Yeah, Yeah! There he is, buddy!

Richie was a little dazed but was slowly regaining he senses. 

Eddie: Hey, Richie listen! I think I've got him man! I think I killed It! I did! I think I killed It for real!

How wrong he was, Pennywise had raised one of his tentacle like arms and stabbed it towards Eddie. However the attack was missed and instead had only slashed another target. Eddie had be shoved harshly to the side, as he fell onto his stomach. The person who had saved his life let out pained grunt. Eddie flipped himself onto his back so he could see his savour. Y/N had fallen to his knees his hand gripping the new wound on his side. His hand had quickly been coated in his own blood. Richie was in the cross fire and had his face become painted with some of Y/N blood. Eddie, and Richie were in complete shock, and the only things anyone could hear was the blood-curdling scream that escaped Beverly lips. Pennywise was not yet done however as his tentacle then proceed to wrap itself around Y/N waist, lifting him into the air. 

Richie: Y/N!

Richie had tried to reach out for him it was too late. Y/N had let out a cry of pain as he was lifted further into the air. Pennywise let out a mocking laugh.

Bill: No!

Pennywise: Uh-Oh

Pennywise swung Y/N back and forth, laughing while doing so. The losers could only watch helplessly until the creature threw Y/N away, his body hit the wall and fell to the ground harshly as he rolled down into part of the cave where Pennywise wasn't able to get him. Pennywise was still stuck in the spike, so the Losers quickly took this opportunity ran to where Y/N had been thrown down. 

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