thirty five (18+)

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"I have nothing to wear." I complain as I slam my closet door closed, turning to face Armin who's sitting on my bed.

"Just wear jeans and a sweater." He replies, looking up to me from his book.

"I'm trying! But it doesn't look right." I argue, tearing off the third sweater that I had tried on. The rest of our friends decided to skip classes today, as it's the Friday before break and no one wanted to go to class anyway. We all decided to go ice skating, and Armin was waiting for me to get ready now so we could meet them.

"I think you look pretty."

I turn away from the mirror to shoot Armin a pointed look, even though I can't keep the smile off of my face at his compliment.

"I always think you look pretty." He adds at my half hearted glare, causing my frustration to fade away as I walk over to him. I quickly press a kiss to his lips in an apology for snapping, and turn to go back to my closet to continue searching for an outfit. Armin's hand on my wrist stops me, and he turns me around to face him again.

Before I can say anything, he brings his lips to mine intensely, and I find myself melting into the kiss as his lips demandingly mold to mine. He begins to kiss across my cheek and to my jaw, nipping lightly and causing me to gasp.

"Armin, I need to get ready." I breathe out as his mouth works down my neck to my collarbone. Even though I know we don't have time, I can't bring myself to push him away at the pleasure that floods through my body as his tongue dances across my chest.

"We can be late." Armin murmurs against my skin, causing me to shiver.

"No we can't." I argue, bringing myself up to sit on his lap anyways. He groans as I rest on him, already hard beneath me. I raise my eyebrows in question, making eye contact with him as he blushes and looks away.

"I- uh- you've been getting changed in front of me and-" I cut off his stuttering with a firm kiss, biting his lip hard and causing him to moan lightly. He quickly swipes his tongue against my lip, and I grant him access to bring our tongues together.

I'd be lying if I said the way Armin watched me get changed didnt turn me on. The way he attempted to keep his eyes hidden beneath his bangs, the subtle bite of his lip as I pulled off another shirt, the flustered way he'd avoid my sight when I turned around to address him

I pull away from the kiss, immediately attaching my mouth to his neck, and I'm rewarded with a soft gasp, causing me to smile against his skin before I continue dragging my lips down his neck and to his collarbone. Once I reach the collar of his t-shirt, I drag my fingers along the bottom, pulling away slightly to meet his eyes and get permission to take his shirt off.

On making eye contact and noticing my fingers playing with the hem, Armin gives me a quick nod and leans away from the wall to allow me to pull his shirt off. I breath out at his soft skin pressed to my own as I lean forward to reach up and pull his shirt off of his outstretched arms.

As soon as his arms are free, he wraps them around me, pulling our bodies and our lips together again in sloppy desire. His fingers fidget with the clasp of my bra, and I nod with our lips still together. I feel my bra loosen around my shoulders as he pulls it off of me, leaving me in just my jeans.

Armin pulls away from our kiss to take in the sight of my naked chest before him, only pausing for a second before he attaches his lips to my nipple, causing me to grind my hips against his erection below me. I soak in the sensation, before pulling his head back with my hand in his hair.

He looks up to me with his lips parted, breathing heavily. I take in his flustered appearance, and smile in satisfaction. I press a soothing kiss to his lips, before moving down his body to litter kisses across his chest. I occasionally suck and nip, leaving little marks scattered across his chest and stomach as I work my way further down his body.

whatcha listening to? -armin arlertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang