twenty eight

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"The alluring depth and beauty is what draws me in." I say, as I look down into (Y/N)'s gorgeously bright eyes, and I'm no longer talking about the ocean. I pull my eyes away from her to look out to the water, relishing in the comforting chant of the waves crashing against the soft sand. Pushing and pulling the granules and breeze, shaping our surroundings into perfect tranquility.

(Y/N) hums in response as I feel the comforting weight of her head in my lap shift, and spare a glance down despite the blush that had grown over my face. Her cheeks look pink as well, and I can't tell if it's a blush to match mine or a sunburn after sitting in the autumn sun for hours.

I hadnt meant to compare her to the ocean or grow to associate her with it, but since I met her, the thought kept inching its way into my brain, throughout my veins and to my heart. Her amiable company, her laughter, her smile, the sweet sound of her voice drifting through my head at random moments throughout our time apart.

A song we had shared, a book we had talked about, a shirt she had complimented. Mundane instances and items that took a new meaning the moment her soft fingertips grazed a page or picked up a pen, her words that always held a slightly mischievous air relaying a story that she remembered at the sight of a tree, or a rock, hell, even an unruly crack in a sidewalk.

As my fingers turn the same page, I pick up the same pen, I see the same tree, same rock, step over the same crack, her being overtakes my thoughts and causes me to gasp as if I was breathing for the first time.

Asking to kiss her a few days ago felt like life or death, I couldn't stand the thought of not having her by my side, even as a friend. The way she looked at me that day, pink drifting over her delightful features was enough to send my body into a frenzy, fingertips numb as I brought my thumb to her cheek.

Her kiss- her kisses brought that numbness to my head, overtaking any coherent thought in a blaze of passion and leading to my heart ruling my body in unbearing assertiveness.

"Armin?" (Y/N) asks, still looking out to the water.

"Yes?" I ask, removing my hand from it's stationary position in her hair and tracing the curve of her ear instead.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Everything? I'm not quite sure." I answer, smiling at her thoughtful question.

"I can feel you staring at me." She says with a giggle, and my face burns, the edge of my eyes stinging as they crinkle from the quick drop of my smile. I look away from her, embarrassed to be caught with my thoughts. I know that she knows I was thinking about her. "It's okay, I don't mind."

"I was thinking about you." I say suddenly, surprising myself in my boldness.

"I was thinking about you too." She answers as she turns to look up at me again, and my smile is back just as quickly as it had left.

"What about me?" I ask with a smirk, and she gives me that mysterious smile which drives me crazy.

"None of your business." (Y/N) replies, sticking her tongue out at me in satisfied mischief. I roll my eyes in response, my mock annoyance betrayed by the smile I can't seem to fight. I pull my hand away from her, and set my hands behind me to lean back on them, throwing my head back to face the sky.

"We should get going soon. I still have something planned." I say, giddiness coursing through my body as I imagine her reaction to the final part of our date.



"Really? What is it?" I ask as I sit up excitedly, expecting to be met with a chastising glance in asking what we're doing next. Instead I find Armin's head tipped back, looking to the sky. He doesn't answer, so I bring myself to my knees to look at him from above. As I push myself into his line of view, a sly smile appears on his face.

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