Volume 6: Domino Effect

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*Mars/Crux POV*

*crux has bruises and scars everywhere as he walks towards the revolutionaries main base to tell JJ about his latest encounter with the chaotics*

*crux felt proud and happy finally giving jj good news but what he didn't know was the disaster that was about to unleash upon his well being*

Crux: Master... Master! I found them... 

JJ: Hmm? Found who? 

Crux: Meeko! I found him... We can have our revenge, we must strike while the irons hot! They are currently weak, not alot of members and they have no alliances! So---

JJ: Are you telling me what to do?... 

Crux: No sir... I'm just giving a suggestion---

JJ: A suggestion that is completely useless to me! Don't you know he now has a deep connection with the cony kingdom?! What we don't need right now is a city that has a deep connections with the government to have a war with us! We don't need them tempering with our plans right now! Do you understand?

Crux: I'm sorry sir. I didn't realize, I wouldn't have given that suggestion unless I would have known. 

JJ: Because you're a fodder and a complete idiot. Nothing goes on it that febble brain of yours. 

Crux: W-What? 

JJ: The last thing I needed in my team is an idiot who makes no good decisions for my team. What did you ever contribute, Crux? Let me guess, was it nothing? That's how useless you are. I can't believe I made you captain, you want me to remove your rank as captain?! 

Crux: No... No! Please, I'll do anything. I'll help you capture Meeko, I'll do anything. 

JJ: Get out of my sight! You are absolute failure to my team! You are completely useless without your rank. 

Crux: {ILL... It's all her fault, I could have easily gotten into Frevv's mind if it wasn't for her, she's ruining my plans. I have to remove her then Meeko for my plan to successfully work._} Yes sir... 

*Present Day*

*after the incident with mars/crux, project z, leon and faultier. elena has stepped up and replaced her father. elena has also been healed from her recent injuries thanks to meeko and yvonne*

*ill and frevv has gotten home safely bringing the news to elena and meeko, to summarize the whole conversation... they weren't too fond of the idea of mars/crux still being out and free*

*cutting back towards grand who scrapped up project z's dead body to make new inventions for himself... and maybe for his team, the same day, evening. grand called his team to introduce them to an invention he made*

Grand: Glad you guys can make it! Watch... Hey, where are the others? 

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