Volume 1: The Failures

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*continuing the prologues story. we start off with grand and meeko discussing their next plan.*

Meeko: So have you ever heard of the two siblings being experimented on? It's on sector 7 XG of government property experiment site. 

Grand: Did you just hear your self? "government property experiment site". There is government property site in that sentence. No possible way I'm going there! 

Meeko: Imagine the siblings if experimented, what if they are super soldiers or extremely superpowered humans? Like they have more then one power. 

Grand: Or crazy monsters who had no control over their power. Maybe that's why they are being EXPERIMENTED ON!? 

Meeko: We could help them control it. 

Grand: Yeah, that never backfires. 

Meeko: Still if we are able to get our hands on them we could make them join our team in the process if possible. 

Grand: If they disagree? 

Meeko: They could be free. It dosent matter either way, we won't know the outcome of this until we march right in there. 

Grand: Exactly what I meant. We don't know the outcome, maybe one of the out come is... I dont know, death? 

Meeko: That'll never happen. Let's just go for it. 

Grand: Hey wait a minute. We're just gonna march in there? No plan no nothing? Just go in the government facility and get caught? 

Meeko: Then we split up. It's a big building, you search for one sibling I search for the other. If they are in the same place then call me immediately. 

Grand: That's part of the plan. Do we really just walk infront of the government doors? What if there are heroes patrolling or soldiers? 

Meeko: You sneak in then. I'm marching in there without hesitation. 

Grand: Enjoy getting shot at then. 

Meeko: Just remember the plan. 

Grand: I did. It's just getting the siblings what do you mean?... If they attack I'm attacking back. 

Meeko: Just don't kill them. 

Grand: ARE YOU NUTS?! 

Meeko: What?... 

Grand: "just dont kill them" yeah, they are trying to kill me goddammit! 

Meeko: Fine, Kill them! Just don't attack first. 

Grand: *groans* yeah whatever. 

*as they enter section 7 XG, grand sneaks in while meeko marches in killing every soldier in his path not giving mercy*

*Grands POV*

*grand enters the next room on the very bottom of the building to see soldiers completely burnt or bleeding to death by large scratches, grand instantly puts on his armor and his blades which is attached to the armor*

*the more he walks further into a hallway the more he sees dead soldiers on the floor, until he reaches someone, his hands covered in blood, his other hand holding some sort of big metal sign and his eyes shining in a golden like reflection*

Grand: Woah. You look like one of the siblings that was on the paper. Hey, mind saying your name? 

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