Volume 3: Historic Benefactor

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*Continuing where the story left off*

*as mendara walks around the beach, she hears someone call over*

Mars: Hey! Wait up! 

Mendara: Who are you? What do you need? 

Mars: Names Mars. I actually needed a favor to ask. 

Mendara: Why me out of all people? 

Mars: It will be a quick one. I just needed to ask a question. 

Mendara: *hesitant* Go on?... {_Something isn't right..._}

Mars: Enjoy living life? Because yours is going on a rollercoaster

*a few minutes has passed and elena has been running around the resort trying to find meeko or even frevv but she has gained no signs of luck, until she found meeko with his crew (yvonne, grand, frevv, ill)*

Elena: Meeko! Frevv! 

Meeko: Oh! You... You didn't give me your name. 

Frevv: Elena? What's wrong? 

Grand: You three know each other? 

Ill: *worriedly jealous* Frevv, who is she?... 

Frevv: She is a friend. 

Yvonne: My brother would have burnt you three into ashes by now if he saw this. 

Grand: I wish he was here to do that. 

Elena: Frevv! Meeko! You two are in danger and possibly your whole crew is in extreme danger. 

Meeko: What makes you say that? 

Elena: Mars! He is---! 

*then a gigantic blood splatter hit the crew and a bunch of dead guards, receptionist and guests has been decapitated in an instant*

*they turn to the entrance to see mendaras body has been covered in strings and is slowly walking up to them, and behind her was mars*

Grand: Mendara! 

Mendara: Guys relax.

Yvonne: How can we relax when you are trapped in a bunch of strings! 

*frevv instantly cuts the strings but more appeared after, wrapping themselves in mendaras body*

Meeko: There is no point, we need to go after the main body. He could do this all day, it's just strings after all. 

Frevv: Right! I go after the strings, you go for the main body. 

*before frevv and meeko could step a foot, another set of strings wrapped themselves on ill, frevv instantly cut the strings but mendara was left scarred because of it*

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