Volume 5: Escalating Warfare

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*Meeko and Elena POV*

*starting off the story with more conflict. meeko is currently busy dealing with faultiers clones, faultier on the other hand is watching in the corner and infinitely summoning clones of himself*

*elena on the other hand is trying to find a wait out for them both, she tries to use her powers but is unable to due to faultiers clones but thankfully she isn't harmed due to meeko protecting her*

Leon: You two should give up by now. You're at a very gigantic disadvantage, the clones are used by faultiers energy and since he is the sloth of the seven world leaders, he practically has saved enough energy for a month. 

Meeko: I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about what I would do to you once I get my hands on faultier. 

Leon: Keep dreaming about that, for now you should really focus on staying alive. 

Meeko: You're daughter is here with me! Don't you care for her?! I'm protecting her with the best of my abilities! The best you could do is help her out! 

Leon: She helped out a criminal. Why would I help someone who is apart of the enemy? Wouldn't that be betrayal? 

Meeko: No! That would be sympathy! This is your daughter we are talking about. Don't you love her? 

Leon: Never once have I thought of loving someone who has failed me in every possible way... 

Elena: *sobs* Father... Why... 

*meeko tightens his grip on his scythe*

Meeko: Elena... Listen to me. 

Elena: W-What? If you thought of another plan to get us out then please stop trying... I'm done with everything... Just stop fighting and stop protecting me... 

Meeko: Elena! If you won't believe in yourself then I won't! I need you here! When I said you're part of my team that means I'm your captain. That means if I didn't give up so will you! I need you, I will always be by your side. 

*elena's eyes lit up brightly as she sobs more and spoke*

Elena: Meeko! Thank you...

Leon: Just a few words made her rise back up on her feet, so what? With just a few more words I could break down all her hope once again! Don't think you're too much of a help, Meeko. 

Meeko: I don't know but it seems all of your daughters favor is coming to me now. Tell me "father of the year" how does it feel to get fucked?! 

Leon: What are you saying? Have you gone crazy? 

Meeko: Overdrive! 

*meeko using his powers to its fullest extent giving meeko an intense buff on speed and strength. meeko instantly gained a full speed boost and instantly sliced all of faultiers clones*

*and that very moment, faultier finally moved in battle instantly dash to the side and dodged all of meekos upcoming attacks*

*leon took this very opportunity to make a run for it while elena stood and watched meeko fight against faultier giving all her support to meeko knowing he would win*

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