Chapter 26 - Years of yearning

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Main POV

Nighttime creeped in silently as the sun set below the buildings in the city. The darkness cast that all familiar haunting tint in the apartment. The Slytherin common rooms came to mind, how I'd love to have that as my safe space forever. As I sat there veiled in the shadows of the living room, with a cup of tea that had already been left untouched for long enough that the steam had died out. Time seemed to pass by me with such haste, while I remained within my own little bubble of passing.

Floorboards creaked behind me.

"I'm going to bed, Y/N '' Sebastian's coarse, yet solemn voice was like a quake in the surrounding silence and I almost flinched at the sound of it.

"Goodnight." I responded simply, keeping my back turned towards him.

I didn't hear the floorboards creak again immediately, the lack of sound a quiet confirmation of his hesitation. I clutched my mug harder, straining to keep myself from turning around to see if he was still there. I couldn't bear to see his face after what I had just confessed... How vulnerable I had let him see me... Not to mention, how cruel I felt towards Ominis. I would never steal away his loved one if the love was still mendable. Not after everything he endured, after everything he sacrificed.

The floorboards creaked and Sebastian's soft steps moved further from me, until I heard a door close in the corridor, not his door though. I crunched my face and inhaled sharply, before allowing myself to exhale all of the tension built up in my chest.

I sat there for another while, not quite sure how long. I thought of Quinn and what Ominis had told us. How did he have the power to undo a curse that Ominis' parents had been attempting to undo since he was a child. If my suspicions were correct in regards to his... health, he might be unnaturally powerful, though likely very unstable. Which would explain... me.

He might not have meant to.

Ominis' words echoed in my ears. Then what did he try to do, if his magic failed and he left me hovering like a puppet over my bed and then... I couldn't even remember, Sebastian and Anne had to explain the whole thing to me and even then it was beyond anything I had ever heard of before. My head hurt every time I tried to think about it.

My eyelids were getting heavier and my tea was now completely cold, and still untouched. I groaned and got up from the couch, walking slowly to the corridor connecting the bedrooms. I stopped briefly outside Ominis' room, listening... No, Y/N, this is an invasion. I tried convincing myself I was just making sure they were okay, though whether I believed it or not was... Uncertain.

Making it to my own bed finally I was exhausted, the only way I could actually fall asleep these days. If I wasn't tired enough I would just lie awake and think, and think and think... Without ever reaching a conclusion. It was pointless, and even more exhausting than just staying up. But the past days had brought on a great deal of emotional turmoil, and more was yet to come. Callum Longbottom would eventually expect some progress in our research to prove Ominis' innocence. And if we couldn't find it, he would surely be tossed back in there for the rest of his days.

I crunched my eyes shut, trying to remember any minor details from that horribly eventful day. The shock of seeing the four students strung up like that, the mutilations and cuts over their bodies... And then, The Ministry showed up and took Ominis. And everything happened so fast. I did try to oppress how much I actually thought the bastards deserved what happened to them, but how I wish I had been there to hear them beg for mercy. These dark thoughts are poison, though, I have to get them under control. It's been years since I last took a potion to help me sleep. Somehow everything that happened motivated me to stay sharp and focused, more than needing to sedate myself. I had been feeling the urge the past days though, anything to just slip away into slumber effortlessly. But no. There is still much focus needed.

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