Chapter 20 - Hope

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Another short chapter to bind things up. Next one will be a time-jump and some strange occurrences might happen. ;)

Sebastian POV

My sister. The one I had quite literally drowned in my devotion too, who had then cast me out, only to make an offer of me serving five years in exchange for her forgiveness. Who I had been willing to do anything for, and who I had not seen for years– was now standing right in front of me.

I barely recognized her at first. She looked healthy and that warmed my heart. I had Y/N to thank for that, I suppose I never really did. Surrounded by the structures of the house that brought forth so many painful memories, it made me ache to run off, yet I stood my ground. I was done running.

"Hello Sebastian." Her voice was fuller, warmer. Like, before she got cursed. It made shivers run across my skin, my breath hitched. I felt tears force themselves into my eyes.

"Hello, Anne." I responded, my voice breaking. I inhaled a shivering breath and allowed some of the pressing tears to fall.

Anne stepped out towards me and embraced me tightly. I had forgotten the smell of her hair. When she was sick, everything just smelled of ointments and illness. But now, the smell I grew up with was back. A crushing wave of nostalgia washed over me and I wept deeply into her shoulder. "I'm sorry.... I'm so, so, sorry, Anne." I repeated it over and over.

"Shh..." She hissed kindly and caressed my back. Anne shot Y/N a concerned, yet grateful glance. As if to say this was a long time coming.




A few hours later we were all sitting in the small living space. The fire was lit in the hearth, despite the blooming spring outside the nights could get a bit chilly. Not much in the terms of tactic had been discussed the past hours, just catching up. Anne had apparently been taken into a private school in London, where she had been catching up to her studies after she got well. She was well on her way to pass her finals with remarkable grades as well as having an apprenticeship in the Ministry of Magic lined up as soon as school was over.

I smiled as she spoke, going on about the city and the people she had met, how much stricter it was than Hogwarts and how disciplined she had to be. We didn't bother going into detail about how she had made the deal for me to serve my sentence, but I figured it had something to do with her apprenticeship at the Ministry. At this point, as long as she was happy, so was I. Unfortunately, something was still missing.

Quinn had been unnervingly quiet, which was unlike him. I had caught him scratching at his wrist a few times, but every time he saw me look he would pull down the sleeves and pretend like nothing.

Anne had just finished telling a story about how one of the other students in London had accidentally let a niffler into the trophy room. It had taken them months to recover all the stolen shiny objects. We had all laughed throughout the story, but as the laughter died out a deadly stillness settled in the room. As if everyone was thinking the same thing– feeling the same guilt.

Even the flames in the fireplace dimmed, and shadows from the outside seemed to creep deeper into the living room.

Y/N cleared her throat and leaned forward in her seat. "We are all here... For a reason bigger than reunion unfortunately. And though I am thrilled to see you both so happy, even if just for a moment, we must discuss the topic at hand."

The whole room quieted down to listen to her, even the flames and the wind outside seemed less eager to make a sound.

"Ominis..." She continued, her voice forcibly harsh. "Has been stuck in Azkaban for a few months short of a year, for a crime we all know he didn't commit."

Will of the Serpent (S.S+O.G x Male+Female OC) MM + FMWhere stories live. Discover now