Chapter 3 - So close, but yet so far

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Ominis POV

My arm was still wrapped around Y/N as we stumbled into the common room. She guided me down the steps as I listened to the waterfall on my left. I loved that sound, even though it made navigating a bit more difficult in this particular area.

When we reached the ground floor, Y/N stopped me and placed herself in front of me. I felt it as she placed her hands gently on my arms. She was always so good at communicating with me through touch, knowing I couldn't see her. Y/N was always very respectful and gentle, but I still couldn't help the feeling that had started to burn in my chest every time she grabbed me, held me or touched me in general. Especially when her skin came into contact with mine. It was a scary, yet intoxicating feeling, one that I painfully admitted that I longed for every time she was away.

Y/N started laughing, bursting my bubble. For a moment I felt flustered, worried that I was so lost in thought that I had been saying these things out loud and she heard everything. I felt a flame rise to my cheeks. «What is it? What is so funny?» I asked, the stress peeking through my voice.

Her laugh turned into heartfelt chuckles as she reached her hand up to my face. «You've got powdered sugar all over your face, Ominis.» Y/N said lightly, I could hear the smile through her voice. «Here, let me help you.»

She carefully used her fingers to dust off the sugar from my top lip. «Did you get it?» I asked, feeling slightly awkward.

«No, not quite.» She whispered.

Y/N traced her thumb over my cupid's bow, her soft skin graced my lips ever so slightly. I felt a warm sensation in my whole body as she turned direction and this time drew her thumb across my mouth, stopping in the middle. Her index finger caressed my cheek as her thumb hovered over my lips that I had now parted slightly. Y/N descended her finger onto my lips like a feather and moved it down, making my lower lip pull down with it. The sensation made the hairs on my neck rise and I closed my eyes in utter surrender to the blissful feeling.

Y/N moved her hand to cup my cheek and I leaned into her touch, placing my own hand over hers. I had to fight with every morsel of my will power to not grab her face and kiss her right where she stood. She never touched me like this before and it empowered the intoxicating feeling that her touch already possessed me with.

I felt her other hand on my chest and almost like a magnetic pull, I could feel myself draw towards her. My whole body was pounding in anticipation, I had never wanted anyone this bad.

Someone next to us cleared their throat loudly, a hack sounding through the common room.

Y/N pushed herself away from me. «S- Sebastian.» She stuttered.

The blood that was up until recently boiling in my veins had a massive temperature drop and I froze. How much did he see?

«Well, I see the two of you aren't wasting any time getting cozy without me.» Sebastian spat, his voice laced with bitterness. Why was he so upset?

«Sebastian, why are you-» Y/N started asking frustratedly, but I heard Sebastian's footsteps already on their way from us. I threw up my arms briefly in defeat and slumped down on a nearby chair.

«I'm gonna go after him, Ominis. Maybe I can get some idea of what's going on.» her voice cracked slightly, it sounded like she was about to cry. I had an immediate urge to hold her when she sounded like that, but she was a strong woman. She could handle herself, and I should allow her to. I nodded in agreement and listened to her steps as she walked away from me too.

I sat in the chair for a while, pondering at an unfamiliar feeling of uneasiness in my guts. I caught myself having shameful thoughts of Sebastian seducing Y/N, their hands all over each other. It made me sick. Why was I feeling like this all of a sudden, I never worried about this before. I needed a distraction.

Will of the Serpent (S.S+O.G x Male+Female OC) MM + FMWhere stories live. Discover now