Chapter 5 - Good intentions, bad actions

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I am curious to know how comfortable you are with the level of tension this story is going to contain. Would you prefer it being a fluff story, smut, heavy smut or a mix? Please let me know, so I don't violate you in any way haha. ❤️

Sebastian POV

I woke up in an already pissy mood. It did not help the case when I looked over at Ominis' bed and found it empty. My heart was sending minor shockwaves through my body and a familiar sensation of nausea was starting to brew. Where was he? Did he never come back after our conversation in the undercroft last night? Did he spend the night with Quinn?

A low growling vibration sounded from my stomach. I was starving, I barely ate during the sorting ceremony last night because I was too busy taking care of Y/N. The nausea I was feeling shifted into raw hunger as I got dressed to head to breakfast.

I left my room and paced through the common rooms. A female voice was calling my last name from behind me. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying my best to ignore the encounter, but it was too late.

«Imelda» I spoke while turning around reluctantly, dragging at the last vowel. The lack of enthusiasm in my voice could be read from across the room. But Imelda could not give less fucks.

«Where is she, Sallow?» Imelda stared at him through angry brows, her fists were resting at her hips.

I had to admit she had grown quite beautifully the past two years. Long raven locks, speckles of freckles, dark eyes and long lashes matching her hair. Admittedly I was quite tired, because I lost myself in thought a bit while I scanned down her features. Stopping slightly at the bulging fabric over her chest.

Imelda must have noticed because she quickly kicked my shin.

«Ow, what the fuck, Imelda?!»

«This is what I mean you, dimwit! You ogle at girls every chance you get, even me who you so clearly despise. Y/N deserves so much better.»

Sebastians gaze hardened at her. But her words stung a little, she was right. I was a bit too fond of the feminine shape, but it was different with Y/N. I cared for her.

«Don't flatter yourself, Imelda. I wouldn't touch you with iron tongs.» I spat back in a half lie.

Imelda took a confident step towards me. I stared down at her through my nose. Her lips formed into a smirk before she spoke. «Seeing that you are alone, I gather Ominis didn't come back last night either...» A controlled inhale sounded from her nose. Her chest lifted and fell before she opened her mouth to speak again. «I hope... They both relieved each other of some well needed tension. I know I would need to if I was to be around you all day. Such a nuisance you are, Sebastian...» She paused for another moment, tilting her head slightly to the side and lowering her voice. «I bet they fucked each other to oblivion... all... bloody... night.» Her voice was like a hissing whisper.

I stood dumbstruck, unable to counter Imelda's venomous attack. I watched helplessly as the raven haired girl pulled back from me, eyeing me up and down. Stopping her gaze at my crotch, letting out a faint snort, before turning to walk away.

A cold shiver ran down my spine, my head was spinning and I could feel as the blood escaped from my brain making me almost pass out. I grabbed the cold stone wall for support, the muffling sound of student chatters echoing around me as I tried desperately to adjust my vision.

I stumped myself over to the fountain by the staircase entrance to the common room and splashed a handful of cold lake water over my face once, twice and one last time. It helped.

Will of the Serpent (S.S+O.G x Male+Female OC) MM + FMWhere stories live. Discover now