Chapter 4 - Secrets in the Undercoft

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Warning: This chapter depicts effects of intoxication that may be interpreted as drug use. If this is triggering to you, proceed with caution.

Main POV

Where the hell are they? I thought to myself as I watched the flock of first years come through the door in the great hall. The crowd of young witches and wizards walked in union towards the platform where Headmaster Black was already standing. Their faces lit up with excitement and hopeful anticipation. I smiled to myself on their behalf, some part of me had hoped that I would have had the same experience for my sorting ceremony.

As my eyes had diverted from the door, two figures suddenly slumped down on the seats on each side of me. «So happy you two could make it.» I whispered in excruciatingly low enthusiasm.

Ominis gave my arm a gentle squeeze and leaned into me. «We're here just in time.» He whispered back to me. I couldn't help but smirk at his deranged confidence.

I turned to Sebastian, his eyes flickered to mine and he just gave me a quick nod before they avoided me entirely again. I guess he feels awkward about our last encounter, understandably. But he seems to realize his errors, seeing as he is sitting next to me now.

The ceremony started and Headmaster Black cleared his throat to speak. «Dear students and professors, welcome back to Hogwarts. But most of all a fresh welcome to our new first years. We will now start sorting each of you into a representative house. We have Gryffindor, a house of bravery and-» Black's speech kept going, but the sound of his voice muffled in my ears as my body started buzzing. The potion. It's entering my system. The effects are stronger and different from what I imagined.

I clenched my fists around my skirt, hoping to ground myself in a sense, but I kept peaking. Oh no... I felt my heart pounding in my chest and a lump forming in my throat while nausea was brewing in my guts.

Ominis took notice of my stiff posture and turned his head to me. «Y/N, are you alright?» he whispered. I couldn't answer, I couldn't move, my only focus remained on not freaking out. He placed a cold hand on my forehead, it felt nice and I relaxed a little under his hand.

Sebastian's attention turned to us. He looked at me and furrowed his brows in concern as he saw my pale face and the clenching grip on my skirt. He then looked at Ominis who had an equally concerned expression on his face. Without saying a word, Sebastian reached his hand over mine, causing me to loosen the grip on my skirt and relax under his touch. This was the first time I could remember him having this calming effect on me. And I surrendered to it completely.

As the nausea and anxiety evaporated from my body, it was replaced with an intense feeling of euphoria. I closed my eyes, leaning into the sensation of Sebastian's warm hands that covered my own hand over my thigh. While Ominis had moved his cold hand to my neck and kept it there like a bag of frozen peas on a hot summer day. It was a perfect balance and my body was pulsating with enjoyment as I sat there, squeezed in between my two best friends. Forgetting every single argument or conflict that had happened before this moment.

I had no idea what was going on outside of this bubble that I found myself in or how much time passed. I heard muffled echoes of house names being called, cheering far away, closer, next to me, and far away again. The sound of cutlery clattering and the smell of food seemed to render me into a sensory overload and I pulled myself closer to Ominis while grabbing Sebastian with me.

I once more surrendered myself to them, my body felt like it was melting together with theirs. I started circling my finger over Sebastian's palm while my other hand went to place itself on Ominis' thigh, tracing it gently up and down.

Will of the Serpent (S.S+O.G x Male+Female OC) MM + FMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें