Turnabout Big Top (Final Part!!!!!!!!)

Start from the beginning

Judge: HUH?! 

Phoenix: "Why was the Ringmaster murdered?" There is no need to delve into that bit of testimony when I know the answer already!

Judge: What was Acro's motive then? 

(Y/N) and Phoenix: He didn't want to kill Russell! 

Franziska: WHAT?! 

Judge: WHAT?! 

(Y/N): Acro, it's true, right? He wasn't your target! 

Judge: ORDER! Bailiff, I don't care who it is; smack anyone who's loud in the face! Twice if you must! OW! 

Franziska then whipped the Judge in said face. 

Franziska: FOOLISH FOOLS! What in the world are you trying to do this his court!? Are you attempting to imply that Acro was trying to kill someone else!?

(Y/N): Yes! It was Regina! 


(Y/N): Yep! 

Franziska: WHAT?! Where's the evidence, then?! Why would Acro want to kill her?! 

Judge: Yes, we need proof! Why would Acro want to kill such a sweet girl?! 

Phoenix: Look at this note. 

Phoenix presented it. 

Acro: T-That's ... 

Phoenix: It was found inside the Ringmaster's tailcoat. 

Judge: In the tailcoat, you say? 

(Y/N): Acro wrote this note. It's ironically entitled "To the Murderer!"... Its purpose was to call someone to the plaza at 10:00 PM.

Phoenix: He put it into the pocket of Regina. 

Judge: My God! 

(Y/N): Regina didn't think the note was meant for her. Which is why, the morning of the crime, she placed it on the cafeteria bulletin board.

Franziska: That's when the Ringmaster read it? 

Phoenix: That's correct. The ringmaster ended up in that plaza instead of Regina! And he was killed because of that mistake... Instead of Regina!!

Judge: That's... That's... That's incredible!

(Y/N): Acro didn't know who arrived. Because he couldn't look down out of his window. 

Judge: AHA! So when he killed the Ringmaster, he believed it was Regina! 

(Y/N): Yep! Then Moe saw the bust flying. 

Regina was listening, and she was getting uncomfortable. 

Regina: I- 

But Team RWBY was there to comfort her, and tell her everything is fine. 

Ruby: There there, Regina. It'll be fine. 

Weiss: Just don't look away. 

Yang: (Sigh) I can't believe we're doing this. 

Blake: It's for her own good. 

Franziska: HOLD IT! Foolishly foolish fools with foolishly foolish fool ideas of foolish tomfoolery... ... You're so foolish, you've even made me sound like a foolhardy fool... Then where's your evidence?! This note is declaring that Regina Berry is a murderer!

(Y/N): Russell knew what it meant. that's why he went for Regina. 

Phoenix: It all happened six months ago. 

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