Seperate Gardens

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Alastor wasn't very happy about how... modern the new hotel was, it had been about 30 days since every member of the hotel helped build the hotel since the angels had destroyed it til it became debris... Not to mention that Lucifer and Alastor now lived on the same floor, what a smart girl Charlie was...

Alastor was watching Pentagram City from his window as he sipped on some coffee, it was late but at this point, he didn't want anything else. His ears could hear the annoying noises of rubber ducks from Lucifer's room... oh how he wanted to just go over there and strangle the old man, but Charlie had begged Alastor and Lucifer to get along... and since they were practically neighbours now, they had to get along.


Lucifer was in his room making more rubber ducks as his coping method, sure being with his daughter more has helped with his depression but he was still depressed and hurt after being so lonely that he's become socially awkward... the only one he isn't awkward with Alastor since they're always bickering about something, Lucifer sighed as he was in deep thought Where are you Lillith?... He asked himself in his mind until he heard a gentle knock coming from outside his door, he decided to use his magic to... shove away the ducks before anyone saw them as he got up from his chair and walked to the door

Charlie was on the other side of the door she was happy to see her father "Hey Dad! So I was just letting you know there will be a one-month anniversary party on the main floor tomorrow, I've already invited some of the people from Cannibal Town, some overlords, and just people from Pentagram City!... what do you think?.." Charlie said everything while being full of excitement that she didn't take breaks to breathe.

"Well... I'd love to come but do you have everything prepared? Also which overlords?" Lucifer said nervously, he knew there was some chaos with overlords... especially the Vees

"Oh, everything is ready for tomorrow and the overlords... oh yes! Just Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, and Zestial... for the sake of a nice party... and well also for Angel Dust and Alastor to have a good time too." Charlie said with her usual sweet grin as she fixed her hair

"Good to know, thanks Char-char..." Lucifer said softly with a kind look in his eyes towards his beloved daughter... he closed the door behind him after Charlie left. He sighed and looked at his mess of a room, he collapsed onto the bed and looked through Pentagram City as he tried to sleep, right before he could rest he got startled by the loud noise of a squeezed rubber duck.

Lucifer sat up and lifted his pillow to reveal one, it was a classic rubber duck with a top hat and a little red bowtie, Lucifer chuckled to himself as he sat up and looked at the duck before putting it on his nightstand, he decided to change into his silky red robe before sitting back into his bed and reading a book to make him more tired.


Alastor was in his bathroom as he fixed his hair and put on his black silk pyjama set that his friend Rosie had gifted him, his tail stuck out as he sighed and tried to gently brush it even though it was an activity he didn't enjoy much and tried to avoid, his tail was just such a bother at times, Alastor then left his bathroom as he noticed that he needed a trip to the tailor so he could fix his lovely coat so that it was ready for tomorrows grand party.

Alastor then heard a loud duck squeak coming from Lucifer's bedroom as his head turned quickly to the direction of the noise, his smile was always there but his eyes told the truth, he was very much annoyed and tired by Lucifer's toys.

But soon enough Alastor could only hear peace and quiet, as he happily hummed a melody as he closed his blinds and laid himself down on the bed before closing his eyes.

Soon enough they both fell asleep and let their bodies rest for tomorrow's grand party... just to hope nothing bad happens to the hotel... or them...

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