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Ashley POV

As the golden sun rays of the early Wednesday morning peaked through the window, Ashley woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She stretched her arms and let out a sigh, knowing that today she had to face Megan again.

As she got ready for work, her mind wandered back to the first time she saw Megan. She remembered how she was mesmerized by her beauty and intelligence, and how their conversations were always full of laughter and passion.

Ashley reached the college and made her way to the art history department. She was greeted by her colleagues, who could sense the tension in her demeanor. She took a deep breath and walked into her classroom, where students were already waiting for her.

As she went through her slides, she couldn't help but notice Megan sitting in the front row. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, Ashley saw the same love and longing that she felt in her own heart. But before she could acknowledge it, Megan looked away with a hurt expression. Ashley couldn't help but steal glances at Megan. She looked more beautiful than ever before, and Ashley couldn't help but reminisce about their time together. It was a struggle to keep her composure as she taught, but she managed to make it through the class.

The rest of the day went by in a blur as Ashley couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and regret. She knew she had made a mistake by letting go of Megan, but it was too late now. She couldn't risk her career.

As she waited in her office, Ashley couldn't help but think about Megan wishing she could just talk to megan. She decided to send Megan a text message.

A- Hey Megan I know you probably don't want to talk to me but I just wanted to say I am thinking about you and I hope everything is okay.

She waited a few minutes before she sent another message

A- In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.

— Marc Chagall

Ashley hit send and packed up her things and decided to head home to a bottle of wine and a movie.

.As she drove home, she saw a sign on the side of the road that caught her attention. It read 'Self-help books on sale'. Despite being tired, Ashley's curiosity got the best of her and she decided to check out the sale. She parked her car and walked into the small used bookstore.

The store was filled with all kinds of self-help books, from relationship advice to stress management. But what caught Ashley's eye was a small book titled 'Art Meditation for the Mind and Soul'. She picked it up and flipped through the pages. The book was filled with beautiful illustrations and guided meditations based on famous works of art.

Ashley had always been drawn to art and meditation, and this book seemed to combine the two perfectly. Without hesitation, she purchased the book and brought it home with her.

That night, as she sipped on her wine, Ashley opened the book and began to read. She followed the instructions and closed her eyes, focusing on the painting in front of her. She was immediately transported to a calming and peaceful state of mind.

As she continued to practice the art meditations, Ashley felt a sense of relief and clarity that she hadn't felt in a long time. The book helped her to slow down and appreciate the beauty around her, and she found herself feeling more motivated and inspired.

The author talked about using art as a form of meditation, a way to calm the mind and tap into one's inner creativity. As an art historian, Ashley was already passionate about art, but she had never thought of it as a meditative practice.

Excited to try out the techniques described in the book, Ashley grabbed her art supplies and found herself lost in a world of colors and shapes. She focused on her breathing and allowed her thoughts to flow freely.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and was amazed at the painting she had created. It wasn't perfect, but it was beautiful in its imperfections. She realized that she had been neglecting her own well-being in pursuit of her career. From that moment on, she made a promise to herself to take time for self-care and to let go of the constant stress and pressure she put on herself. Ashley was happy that she saw the sign on her way home that day. It led her to discover a new way of self-care and helped her to unleash her inner creativity.

Ashley wanted to share her latest painting with Megan. Ashley took a picture of her painting and sent it to Megan with a short message accompanying it. She anxiously waited for a response, but as time passed, it became clear that Megan was not going to reply.

Disappointed and hurt, Ashley went back to her painting. But as she continued to work on it, she realized that she didn't need validation from others to know that her art was worthy. She poured all her emotions and feelings into the painting, and it became a reflection of her inner struggles and triumphs.

Days passed, and still, there was no response from Megan. But by then, Ashley had accepted that it didn't matter. She had found solace and contentment in her art, and that was all that mattered. She didn't need anyone's approval or reassurance. 

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