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Fast forward a week...........

Ashley woke up feeling safe and content wrapped in Megan's arms. She couldn't help but smile as she gazed at her lover, who was still peacefully sleeping. The sun was peeking through the curtains, illuminating Megan's face and casting a warm glow in the room.  She stretched her arms and let out a content sigh, snuggling deeper into the soft embrace of Megan's arms. They had spent the night together, and Ashley couldn't think of a better way to wake up.

However, reality soon crept in as she remembered that she had to go home. She gently untangled herself from Megan and made her way to the bathroom.

After a refreshing shower, Ashley walked back into the bedroom, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. Megan was still asleep, her face peaceful and surprisingly vulnerable as she slept.

Ashley smiled, admiring the woman she had spent the last week with. But duty called and she needed to get home. She leaned down and kissed Megan on the forehead, causing her to stir and mumble in her sleep.

'I have to go home, Megs,' Ashley whispered, gently stroking her cheek. 'I'll call you later.'

Megan stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled at Ashley and reached out to pull her back into bed. But Ashley knew she had to leave, even as much as she wanted to stay in Megan's embrace. She had responsibilities she couldn't ignore.

'I have to go home, but I'll call you later,' Ashley said. Megan sighed and reluctantly let Ashley go.

As she walked out of the apartment, Ashley couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Megan's luxurious apartment was a stark reminder of their different lifestyles. Ashley lived in a modest apartment, far from the glitz and glamour that Megan had.

Making her way home on the familiar route, Ashley couldn't help but compare the two homes. Megan's apartment was grand and spacious, while hers was small and cozy. But it was her safe haven, where she could be herself without any pretense.

As she entered her apartment, a sense of comfort and familiarity washed over her. It may not be as lavish as Megan's home, but it was still her own personal space, and it felt like home. She took a moment to appreciate all the little things that made her apartment hers, the furniture, the photos on the wall, and the cozy blankets on the couch.

She quickly got ready for work and headed out, mentally planning the rest of her day. Ashley walked into her familiar classroom. 

Ashley sat at her desk, staring at the blank lesson plan in front of her. She couldn't concentrate, her mind constantly drifting back to Megan.

She had never felt this way before, and it was both exhilarating and scary. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but she couldn't deny the fluttery feeling in her stomach whenever she thought about Megan.

Trying to push aside her distractions, Ashley picked up her pen and began to write out her lesson plan. But every few minutes, her mind would wander back to Megan. She found herself constantly checking her phone for any messages from her new friend. Ashley couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to see Megan again. She wanted to know what she was doing, who she was with. She needed to talk to her. Finally, unable to focus any longer, Ashley picked up her phone and sent Megan a text.

'Hey, what are you up to?' she typed, biting her lip nervously. It had only been a few days, but Ashley was already missing Megan's company.

A few minutes later, Megan replied, 'Hey Ashley! I'm actually at the gym right now. Trying to get in a good workout before the weekend.' Ashley smiled at the thought of Megan working out, picturing her strong and determined.

'Wow, that's impressive. I don't think I have the motivation to work out on a Friday night,' Ashley responded.

Megan laughed and wrote back, 'I know, I'm a bit of a gym rat. But hey, it pays off! You should come work out with me tomorrow night. Clear your mind and get those endorphins flowing.'

Ashley's heart did a little somersault. She had always been a bit of a gym avoider, but she couldn't resist the chance to spend more time with Megan.

'Deal! What time should I be ready?' Ashley asked.

'Let's say 5 pm. Sound good?' Megan responded.

'Perfect. Can't wait!' Ashley said.

As Ashley put her phone down, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She had a date with Megan tomorrow night, and she couldn't wait.

The next day, Ashley nervously fidgeted with her workout clothes as she waited for Megan to pick her up. She had never thought she would be this excited about going to the gym, but it was all because of Megan.

When Megan finally arrived, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and sporting a bright smile, Ashley's heart skipped a beat.

'Hey there, gorgeous,' Megan said, leaning in for a hug.

Ashley felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she hugged her back.

Ashley got int Megan's car and they drove to the gym. As they walked inside the gym, Megan showed her how to use different machines and gave her tips on how to improve her workout. And as they talked and laughed, Ashley couldn't believe how easy it was to be with Megan.

After their workout, they grabbed smoothies and sat outside on a bench, enjoying the warm summer evening.

'I had a lot of fun,' Ashley said, smiling at Megan.

'Me too,' Megan replied, looking into her eyes. 'I don't really want the night to end, did you want to go for a drive or go out anywhere?'

 'Sounds perfect. Where should we go?' Ashley asked.

'Let's try out this new restaurant that just opened up. I heard they have the best margaritas in town. I can drop you off back to your place so you can get dressed and I can come back and pick you up around 8pm.'

Ashley smiled at Megan's suggestion. 'Sounds good to me.'

Megan dropped Ashley back to her house and made her way home so she could take a shower and change.

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